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Swathi Alagaraj
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Table of Contents
               Components Used
          Background Information
          Error 1:- Cannot find your services automatically / cannot communicate to server.
               Automatic login:
               Manual and automatic login:
          Error 2:- Your username or password is not correct.
          Related Information



This document will help resolve common issues you might encounter when trying to log into Jabber for Windows.




Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of:

  • Cisco Unified Communication Manager 
  • Cisco Jabber for Windows
  • IM and Presence

Components Used

The information in this document is based on these software versions:

  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager 9.X,10.x and 11.x
  • Cisco Jabber for Windows 9.x ,10.X and 11.X
  • IM and presence 9.X ,10.X and 11.X

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.


Background Information

Jabber can be configured to login automatically or manually. When using automatic login Jabber pulls the CUCM/IMP information using DNS SRV records and in manual login user has to enter the information themselves on Jabber.

For any jabber issue first delete the cache and check if the issue persists

C:\Users\<logged-in user>\AppData\Roaming\Cisco\Unified Communications\

C:\Users\<logged-in user>\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\


Error 1:- Cannot find your services automatically / Cannot communicate to server.



Note:- Cannot find your services automatically is applicable only in case of automatic login.


Automatic login:

Open file

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber\CSF\Config\service-location.xml


Check is there is information about the SRV records like below:







If no information in xml file/xml file does not exist:-


Then the SRV records are not reachable or have not been created. Check if your DNS server is reachable.

Check if the SRV record have been properly created using the document below.


Please note that the hostname of CUCM/IMP server should be provided and not the IP address in the SRV records.


If the SRV records are missing you will get the below error in the Jabber logs


2015-08-20 21:08:54,960 INFO [0x00000a98] [rc\dnsutils\win32\win32DnsUtils.cpp(273)] [csf.dns] [dns::DnsUtils::executeSRVRecordQuery] - About to make DNS SRV record query ''

2015-08-20 21:08:54,960 WARN [0x00000a98] [src\dnsutils\win32\win32DnsUtils.cpp(52)] [csf.dns] [dns::mapFromWindowsDNSResult] - *-----* DNS query has failed: DNS name does not exist.



If the xml file contains srv record information:

Check if the SRV information is correct.

Execute the following commands on command prompt


set type=srv




The output should give you the SRV record details.


Check if the CUCM FQDN provided or IMP FQDN in the SRV records is resolvable.


You can check this using the command

nslookup <FQDN of CUCM/IMP>


If the FQDN is not resolvable in the logs you can see the below error


2015-08-20 21:53:04,202 INFO [0x00000c3c] [ls\src\http\CurlAnswerEvaluator.cpp(117)] [csf.httpclient] [http::CurlAnswerEvaluator::curlCodeToResult] - curlCode=[6] error message=[Could not resolve host:] result=[UNRESOLVED_HOST_ERROR] fips enabled=[false]

2015-08-20 21:53:04,202 INFO [0x00000c3c] [ls\src\http\BasicHttpClientImpl.cpp(410)] [csf.httpclient] [http::executeImpl] - *-----* HTTP response from: [3] -> 0.


Manual and automatic login:


Make sure that the CUCM and IMP IP address are pingable and all services are up on both the servers.

If you are using hostnames or FQDN or using automatic login make sure the CUCM and IMP FQDN are resolvable and DNS server is reachable.

Under System->Server the server names for IMP should be  FQDN and not hostname.

The following ports need to be opened on the firewall for Jabber login.













Try disabling any antivirus software and windows firewall on the PC that jabber is running.

If the server is unreachable you will be able to see the below error in the logs

CLoginCup::OnLoginFailed err-code: 28, err-string: SOAP 1.2 fault: SOAP-ENV:Sender[no subcode]


Detail: connect failed in tcp_connect()

. request-token:0


2015-08-20 19:32:41,502 INFO [0x00000898] [ts\adapters\imp\components\Login.cpp(99)] [imp.service] [IMPStackCap::Login::OnLoginError] - ****************************************************************

2015-08-20 19:32:41,502 INFO [0x00000898] [s\adapters\imp\components\Login.cpp(100)] [imp.service] [IMPStackCap::Login::OnLoginError] - OnLoginError: (data=0) LERR_CUP_UNREACHABLE <11>:

2015-08-20 19:32:41,502 INFO [0x00000898] [s\adapters\imp\components\Login.cpp(101)] [imp.service] [IMPStackCap::Login::OnLoginError] - ****************************************************************


Error 2:- Your username or password is not correct.



Check if the "Enable IM and presence" option is checked for the end user on the Call manager.

The user should be assigned to an IMP node. You can verify this under assigned users in IMP Cluster topology page.

Try logging into the end user page (Make sure the user has end user role assigned).

If unable to login into the end user page and not using LDAP authentication change the password and try logging in.

If unable to login with LDAP authentication try changing the user to a local user and login. If local user works investigate further on the AD end.

In the logs for authentication issues you can see the below error


2015-08-20 22:35:17,135 INFO [0x000005e4] [s\adapters\imp\components\Login.cpp(100)] [imp.service] [IMPStackCap::Login::OnLoginError] - OnLoginError: (data=0) LERR_CUP_AUTH <12>:


Related Information


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide, Realease 10.0(1)

Cisco Jabber 10.6 Deployment and Installation Guide

Xingxing Zhang

CUCM 10.5, IMPS 10.5, Jabber client 11.0
Jabber client when manually specify IMPS IP address can be a normal landing,
When set to automatic landing, says "Unable to communicate with the server."
DNS SRV and can be parsed correctly, check the jabber-log.txt found error message on the client pc
[Could not resolve host: CUCM105] HttpClientResult = [UNRESOLVED_HOST_ERROR]

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