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Level 7
Level 7





This document describes the steps to configure IPPM and troubleshooting issues.IPPM allows users to see presence status and send/receive text messages from their desk phone.  Configuring IPPM takes place on both CUPS and CUCM.  For users to use IPPM they must be CUP enabled in the CUCM licensing capabilities assignment.




On the CUPS:


  • Go to Application > IP Phone Messenger > Settings.
  • Set IPPM Application Status to ON and enter the Cisco IP Phone Messenger configuration settings
  • Enter an Application Username and password.
  • Click Save.



On the CUCM:


  • Go to Device > Device Settings > Phone Services.
  • Click Add New.
  • Enter Phone Messenger for the Service Name and ASCII Service Name.
  • Set the Service URL to:    http://<cups server>:8081/ippm/default?name=#DEVICENAME#
  • Click Save.
  • Go to Device > Phone.
  • Click on a phone from the find list.
  • Go to the Related Links drop down menu
  • Select Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services.
  • Select Phone Messenger, from the Select a Service menu.
  • Click Next.
  • Click Subscribe.
  • Click Save.


Now from your phone you should be able to press the services button and see Phone Messenger.  If you click on it you’ll be asked for a login name and password. 


Tip:-You can also use the System Dashboard to view enabled Cisco IP Phone Messenger users in Cisco Unified Presence. Select Diagnostics > System Dashboard.





Issue 1:- Add Contact Failure


Error message "No UserID matches the extension you entered. Press OK to enter another extension, or Cancel to contact list."


You must enter a valid extension number of a contact within your organization.


Issue 2:- Multi-login Alert


Error message "You are currently logged in from other phones. Press Yes to log out of other phones (recommended for security reasons). Press No to leave other phones logged in."


Incoming messages will show on all your other logged-in phones in addition to this phone. Press OK to go to the main menu.


You are attempting to log into Cisco IP Phone Messenger on more than one phone. Although this is supported, you should be aware that all instant messages will appear on each phone. This might be a privacy concern.



Issue 3:-Refresh Interval


Error message"Invalid refresh interval. Enter a number between 7 and 3600."



You cannot enter an interval outside the given range (in seconds).



Issue 4:-Session Timer


Error message"Invalid session timer. Enter a number between 1 and 9999.''


You cannot enter an interval outside the given range (in minutes).


Issue 5:-Invalid Message Identifier


Error message ''You were trying to retrieve a message that had been deleted from the EPAS server. Press Ok or Exit to return to IP Phone Messenger main menu.''


If you are logged into more than one phone at a time, Multi-login state. Was deleting messages on one phone and attempting to view one on another.


Related Links

IP Phone Messenger settings

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