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Level 10
Level 10

ResolutionThis is the login sequence for Cisco Agent Desktop (CAD):

  • CAD is started, then prompts for agent ID, password and extension.

  • CAD then pulls the agent ID profile from the Spanlink LCC. LDAP.CAD      uses the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) password, port and IP address that are stored in the agent's      local registry. These registry entries are populated at installation based      on the InstallManager.cfg configuration file in the Desktop folder of the      Desktop_Config share on the Customer Response Solutions (CRS) server. The registry entries are in :HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Spanlink\SiteSetup.

  • CAD also pulls other required Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) data from LDAP (CTI server location, port, CTI Manager Location, port, etc.).

  • CAD then accesses configuration files through the network share on the IP Contact Center (IPCC) Express  server. The share name is DESKTOP_CFG and the folder is:c:\ProgramFiles\Cisco\Desktop_Config. The ini files are all read from this location. No write access is required.

  • The CAD licensing takes place next. The ini files for recording and agent are read. When successfully authenticated, a semaphore file is created. The semaphore files are the .net files. These are folders  in the license folder for each type of license. The location of the license folder can be read from LDAP, using the DsBrowser tool. Look in Server Data > LCC (Logical Call Center) > App Data for the CTI Desktop branch. The config root path is the license folder location. All clients must have read, write, create  and delete access to this folder.

  • CAD then logs into IPCC Express (CTI Server) using the credentials supplied by the agent to the CAD login screen. IPCC Express attempts to open a device. If it fails, check the device association and state of the device.

  • The Java Telephony API (JTAPI) client on the CAD then logs into Cisco CallManager (through CTI Manager)      using the credentials supplied by the agent.

  • Once the login process is completed, the connection to LDAP (the Directory Mananger account) is closed.

For additional information, refer to Cisco Agent Desktop.

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