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Common Repository for sharing documents.


Can we provision a common space from where people can upload/download documents. I am not talking about uploading the general documents available on Cisco's website, that would be a waste of resource.

I am talking about the documentation we prepare ourselves which contains the information we gather down the line working on issues. This can have information which is not located on Cisco's site, based on personal exerience.

This will really help people browse throught the document and not wait for someone to get back to them through posts, incase the issue is urgent.

I am sure everyone would have their own documentation may be best practices they follow or any other information which might be small but critical.

In my openion this is kind of proactive approach instead of reactive approach.

Down the line we might have a nice collection of information.

I am not sure if this can be incorporated under NetPro.

-> Sushil

2 Replies 2

Daniel Bruhn
Level 8
Level 8


It's ironic, the day before you posted this in a team meeting we discussed a knowledge repository for NetPro. We thought it could be a place to upload/download things such as scripts, configs, and other member generated documents. Any thoughts on how this would be displayed on NetPro? Would we have one repository for the site or should it be broken down by forum? All thoughts are welcome.


Dan Bruhn

Cisco Community Manager

Cheers, Dan

Hi Dan,

Appreciate your reply.

I believe that we can have a Knowledge Repository for every Major Section like -

Unified Communications and Video

Network Infrastructure

Wireless - Mobility

and so on.

Under the Knowledge Repository of each Major Section you can have a Drop Down Menu kind of thing which will represent the Subsections of the Major Section under which the user wants to Upload the file.

This will give a Hirearchial aproach for uploading and downloading the files.

In addition to hsi you can have a Repository search which will search not only based on teh heading but based on the content of the files uploaded. For this the search indexing needs to be done for the subject heading and the file.

Let me know if you have some other idea.

-> Sushil

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