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Design Forum

Level 5
Level 5

I didn't see any, but would like to see a design forum that had sub topics for security, wireless, voice, routing and switching & storage.

6 Replies 6

Level 10
Level 10

I'm curious about what aspects of design you'd discuss in the forum.

IMHO, I think it would turn into a "what size {thing} do I need to accomplish ...." forum, and in most cases, that is the kind of information that shouldn't be dispensed over a forum.

If instead you were thinking of sharing best practices kind of stuff, then I think it'd be a good idea, as that kind of information tends to change rapidly and / or when you're not looking (new products, software, clever and cool implementations).

I didn't vote, because it could be a Good Thing or a Bad Thing, depending on your intent ...

Good Luck



Design forum will be really effective thing. We can discuss different design best practices, different equipment model for a particular environment etc.. Also design methedologies, reccomendations etc. Looking forward for it. Please start immediately.



I'm not sure how it would work. Would you have a design section for each major forum ie. Network Infrastructure, Collaboration Voice and Video etc. or just one design forum ?

If you had one per major forum then this would only split up the questions even more. In all forums we discuss design issues so in Lan Switching and Routing there are quite a few design discussions. And they belong there because they are about designing LANs. If you had one design section per major forum then i suppose it could work in the sense of all Network Infrastructure design would be in one forum but i have my doubts.

The other more practical problem is that we would get people simply asking for a design eg. (and we have seen questions like this) -

"i need to build a DC for x number of servers with security and centralised internet access. Please provide a kit list and design for me"

You can't really answer this properly on CSC, all we can do is point them in the right direction.

I like answering design related questions, just not sure how it would be implemented ?


Hi Jon,

thanks a lot for articulating for your view. Just for my knowledge what is "CSC" here? Is it any forum or section which address design related discussions?

You are correct if a design forum under each major section will come, then  some question asking a particular design will come. But we can divert those to a particular direction for better resolution. But in this forum we can address more specific issues related to equipment capacity or how to evaluate the capacity of a perticular equipment in a specific design, in a specific design which equipments are best fit for a particular traffic projection etc. It will also help to understand Cisco equipments better apart DATA Sheet.



Hi Sugata

what is "CSC" here? Is it any forum or section which address design related discussions?

Yes, i meant any of the technical forums on this site.

So just to clarify then, are you saying you want just one forum for design and that would cover all technical areas ?



your understanding is correct. One dedicated Design forum for all technical aspects.

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