I want to enable Application Performance Monitoring by Appdynamics.
so, I installed Cisco Cloud Connect and imported inventory.
and I tried input commend "utils app-monitoring enable" on Cisco Cloud Connect.
but i received this message
App-Monitoring enable failed on the following nodes.
Please use "file get activelog ansible/ansible.log" command to check the log for more details.
so I checked ansible log
2024-08-07 09:20:24,094 p=7 u=installmanager n=ansible | TASK [Check if Cisco Systems, Inc. hive is accesible] **************************
2024-08-07 09:20:24,536 p=7 u=installmanager n=ansible | fatal: [CVP]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false,
"rc": 1
See stdout/stderr for the exact error
\udcb8Ű\udcb3 \udcba\udcaf\udcbc\udcf6 \udcc7\udcfc\udcbd\udcc4\udcc0\udccc Ʋ\udcb8\udcb3\udcb4ϴ\udcd9 - ;
so I tried read STDERR but I can't read
in this case, How can i connect CVP to Cloud Connect?
CVP Version : 12.6(2) ES15
Cloud Conncet version : 12.6(2) ES01