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CUIC 8.5 Thresholds on Agent State

Nathan Luk
Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys,

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can configure CUIC 8.5 with thresholds for duration spent in a particular agent state. To do this ideally you would need to construct a threshold which looks at 2 columns:

  • AgentState in the Agent_Real_Time table to indicate the current agent state
  • For duration you need to do a datediff between DateTimeLastStateChange and the current datetime from Agent_Real_Time

But since the thresholding doesn't let you do conditional formatting (for this example lets say we want AgentState go yellow if AgentState=Ready and duration > 30) I'm a little stuck here on a way to directly do this.

The only ways I can see how to do this is by either having a single column for the time in each state which only populates when the agent is in that state

ie in the SQL for the report definition you would define a column for current time in ready as:

  • CurrTimeInReady = Case AgentState When 3 then DateDiff(ss,GETDATE(),DateTimeLastStateChange) ELSE '' END

Then you could create thresholds for each of the CurrTimeInStateX columns except this creates a bunch of columns in the report cluttering it up.

Or the only other option I could see would require you to hardcode in the thresholds to the stat itself and have a separate column to base the thresholds off ie have a "applythreshold" column and in the SQL of the report you have a big Case definition of the column like:

  • applythreshold = Case AgentState

                                        When 3 then Case

                                                                 WHEN (DateDiff(ss,GETDATE(),DateTimeLastStateChange)>30 THEN 'Yes'

                                                                 ELSE 'No' END)

                                       ELSE 'No'


Then you apply thresholds to that applythreshold column based on if it's set to Yes or No but that is pretty convoluted and also the thresholds are hardcoded into the SQL.

Has anyone been able to successfully do this? I tend to come up against this a fair bit when replacing Avaya CMS since Avaya reporting the thresholds are built in to allow time in X state do Y.



1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Nathan

Did you manage to solve this?  I've come up against the same issue.

