Hi all,
we need to regenerate the certificates for our CVP Call and OPS Console Servers.
Referecing to Congiruation Guide there is not given any information about the keysize supported. Only in configuration example for creating the singing request is mentioned a keysize of 2048:
"Generate a CA-signed certificate for WSM server by running %CVP_HOME%\jre\bin\keytool.exe -storetype JCEKS -keystore %CVP_HOME%\conf\security\.keystore -genkeypair -alias wsm_certificate -v -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA"
Is there any official documentation or reference available for usage of more than 2048 (in my case we have been advised to use 4096) is being supported?
Other UCCE Products running as an Appliance (Finesse, CUIC, VVB) support 4096. For Certificates on DAW (e.g. ConAPI) 4096 is working fine. But in 12.6(1) it is not needed to import the certificates into the java keystore. Thats different to CVP. So I am not sure how if it will work or not.
Thanks in advance