We are using the Web Service element in CVP 10.5. The WS element is configured by loading a WSDL from a URL.
The WS element correctly requests the web service with the correct parameters, but an exception is thrown when the response i received by the WS element. The exception message is as follows (edited for readability):
A response was received for a web service that does not include the expected operation named 'preferredAgent'.
The response was:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<PreferredAgentResponse xmlns="http://sos.eu/connectservice/1.0">
... EDITED OUT ...
The web service operation used in the request is called 'preferredAgent', as the exception message correctly displays. The response name from the web service is 'PreferredAgentResponse', but this is apparently not what the CVP Web Service element expects. After hours of studying if the provided web service is correct, we tried to rename the web service response to 'preferredAgent' as suggested by the exception message. After this change, the CVP WS element correctly creates the response with the expected variables.
Somehow the WS element is coded in a way that the web service request name (in this case 'preferredAgent') also has to be the web service response name! I suspect this is a bug somewhere in the CVP code? In my opinion, it should never be a requirement that you need to write your web services so the request and response names have to have the exact same name.
I hope you can fix this issue.
Thank you.