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ECE 12.0 install issue

lee yongbeom
Level 1
Level 1

Hi all,

During the installation of ECE 12.0, "Invalid Domain User" is issued as shown below in the Domain User Account Parameters input field.
What should be considered to solve this issue?



8 Replies 8

Omar Deen
The format you have is correct, but is ipcc really your domain or is that just an example? If you need to get past this screen but the domain credentials aren't working, you can use <HOSTNAME>\Administrator. Once the install is complete, you'll have to go to the Cisco windows service and have it run as a domain user with the pre-windows 2000 format (domain\user)

Hi Omar,


Thanks for reply.

<HOSTNAME> \ Administrator is not work as well.

I configured the Domain user in the Reports Database SSIS Parameters equally in the Domin User Account Parameters, but the problem is happening.
I have configured it as a manual, but I don't know

Just to confirm is IPCC the domain name your server is a member of?



Hi david,


Sure, It is a member of the IPCC domain.



The most that I can say is that ECE has a bunch of ridiculous pre-requisites for the domain account meant to do the install and run the "Cisco Service". Make sure you go through the guide completely for ECE install and report back if anything doesn't make sense. I've got this installed in my lab with a service account with only Domain User privileges, so it is possible. I just had to jump through the fun? hoops to get it to work.


I see that You are after SSIS step and I'm really angry from Cisco guides because I installed all versions of CIM/ECE and still have a lot of issue with installation requirements. In ECE 12 fresh install I really can't find why domain service account for whole ECE have issue with SSIS step and just SQL sa user is OK for installation.

I goes with install  guide and tried to found if anything was not be done but really I can't say why I obtain error 

" Error occurred while running SSIS powershell scripts "

Please is there any magic with configure domain user for ECE as SSIS user ? 


It sounds like you missed some of the pre-installation tasks

There's a section in the install guide titled Configuring SQL Server Integration Service on the Reports Database... did you go through it? And since you're using windows authentication, did you go through a section titled Configuring Permissions on Active Directory Server as well as Enabling PowerShell Remote Commands?

Yes :) hope everytime I goes by documentation step-by-step and now in time of collecting all logs for creating  TAC case I see that there is PS script for testing of reporting service and in logs I see that with domain account it end with this error. When tried DB "sa" account it goes OK and return that everything is OK.

Now I must say "sorry" to Cisco for ECE installation process but in one sentence I need to say "MS or documentation author is really crazy" because there is just one little thing to make it work. Just use domain\user as is defined in SQL logins. U used format domain.suffix\user but in SQL is DOMAINSUFFIX\user

Now it works with domain sensitive. Yes all previouse DBs works well but just reporting make test with PS script :) (yes, integration services need to be checked).


Just for next reference to other guys

SSIS test script make TEMP folder



Install process run in power shell

C:\Users\%DOMAINUSER%\AppData\Local\Temp\SSIStmp\ssis_pre_checks.ps1" "%SERVER%" "%DOMAINSUFFIX\domainuser%" "PWD_censored" "D:\ECE\eService\logs\ssis_powershell_error.log" "1"


You can go from install log and just repeat all that is in it in powershell 
