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Http request from Finesse agent Desktop or Finesse Server


We have a workflow defined to generate the HTTP request after the call is answered.

Here is the question

who is generating the http request ?  Finesse agent desktop browser or  Finesse Server.

Where can I see this transactions , logs etc.



10 Replies 10

Geevarghese Cheria
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Gopal,

Cisco Finesse allows administrators to create workflows and assign them to teams. Workflows manage agent activity based on call events.A Workflows tab was added to the Finesse administration console. On this tab, administrators can create workflows and workflow actions.Workflows can be configured to trigger like when a call is answered which makes an HTTP request to an API on behalf of the desktop user. The workflow is run from the browser, not the server.When a user logs into Finesse, the workflows for that user are pushed to the Finesse browser client. Remember, workflows are assigned per agent team.

Please refer this url
for related information.

Thanks and Regards,

Level 6
Level 6

The Finesse Agent Desktop creates the http request, not the Finesse server. You should be able to see the request in the debugger console. Or you can click Send Error Report and the log will be sent to the Finesse server and be found under clientlogs.

Yes, I saw the http request URL is build at the Finesse agent Desktop using the Java Script Debugger at the Finesse agent desktop browser.

But my question was Who is issuing the HTTP request. Looks like Finesse Agent Desktop only builds the URL based on the Call Parameters (Workflow) and make a API call to Finesse Server, Finesse Server issue the HTTP request.

Is HTTPS request not supported in Finesse.  I tried to give the HTTPS URL in the WorkFlow and it fails, But HTTP URL work fine.

Any idea when HTTPS will be supported or any work around for the HTTPS URL in the Workflow.



Do you have a valid and current SSL certificate issued from a root certification authority on the web server you are trying to hit? Also please verify that the url you are trying to hit accepts a POST or PUT (whichever you specified in Manage Workflow Actions).

We use POST  Method,

HTTP URL with Post method works well.  On the other end Server receives the data.

But the issue is with HTTPS URL with Post method. The Server is not receiving the request.

We could see the traffic leaving our Finesse Server /Firewall as well.  But the Other end is not receiving the data,.


Can you confirm you have a valid and current SSL certificate issued from a root certification authority on the web server you are trying to hit?

I have confirmed via captures on the Finesse server (UCCX in my scenario) and on the Finesse desktop client machine that when an http request action runs as part of the Finesse workflow, the http request is sent from the Finesse server.  It is not sent from the Finesse desktop client PC.

So, how can we setup an http request to be sent from the Finesse desktop and not the server?  Example - customer has a local application running on each PC listening on port 5280 for http requests.  We'd like to setup the Finesse workflow to run an http request action that is sent to the local Finesse desktop client's IP address.  If we send the http request to, it will send the request to the Finesse server itself, not the Finesse desktop client.




Hi folks,

Am trying creating HTTP request using XML form. Configuration goes like, When call is answered HTTP request will be executed ONLY when ANI starts with 9. In Action, I m passing 2 variables ANI and DNIS for testing.

When call is answered, http request doesn't fire.

Actually, same works in case of browser popup BUT NOT in http request logic.

Please suggest.


Ritesh Desai.

*** Please rate helpful post. Please mark as answer if it solves your problem/query.
regards, Ritesh Desai

Hi Ritesh,

The HTTP request itself is made from the Finesse sever. Since you said it works for a browser pop, it is most likely that the Finesse server cannot ping the HTTP request IP. You can confirm that by looking at the webservices logs.

A workaround can be that you modify the WorkflowScreenPopSampleGadget to make the HTTP request from the gadget/browser. You would just have to change the "handled by" to Other.



Dear Denise,

THanks. Using locallogs we traced out the fault. In workflow we were definjng application/xml n in body we were uaing HTML language. In ligs it said language mismatch.

after this corection, it worked well using Call Variables.


RItesh Desai

*** Please rate helpful post. Please mark as answer if it solves your problem/query.
regards, Ritesh Desai