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ICM/UCCE Enhancement Wishlist

Level 4
Level 4

If you've been working with ICM/UCCE long enough I'm sure there are some enhancements you've thought of that the scripting/config environment could greatly benefit from. I've tried to remember those ideas that I've had over the years and compile them here, in no certain order. I'm sure other ideas will come back to me as I give it more thought. I thought this would be a good place to offload those ideas and to centralize a list for us all to expound on. Worst case it will be a good discussion topic. Best case it would possibly be picked up by someone involved in product development. I'm sure I will find out that some of these have been considered and rejected for good reason while others maybe not considered before.

  • Find/Replace in script editor
  • Subscripts in script editor
  • Input/Output labels in script editor
  • Ability to set multiple variables within a single node, list style
  • Ability to set Default value for ECC's in config manager
  • Ability to set Default values for User Vars in config
  • Ability to modify output locations of Nodes
    • Move output labels to  different spots on box. Help minimize crossover.
  • Designate CallType as routable in ConfigManager
    • Causes it to show in  calltype manager only when marked routeable.  Will clean up CallType Manager  significantly, especially in UCCE environments
    • If not tagged, means it's  simply for reporting
  • Wild cards for DialedNumbers
  • Ability to dynamically set priority (priority + 1 or priority - 1 type stuff).. Or simply set it through a variable
  • Ability to copy/paste to create new config on a single item
    • Ex: copy Agent and then just change values

        12 Replies 12

        Level 1
        Level 1
        • Bulk tool for associating call types to DNs
        • Search and/or filter in node configuration (ever tried to add configured labels from multiple peripherals with an implementation that uses device targets?)

        • Agents user ID can be integrated with Acive Directory

        Level 1
        Level 1

        Some of these are great ideas.

        The multi-variable SET node was an enhancement request I submitted in 2004, that still hasn't made its way into the product.


        Great thread. Perhaps a little more explanation would be of assistance - I'm not completely sure of all of the initial points. But the ones I do understand I agree with.

        All the associations are tiresome to do when configuring distributed call centers. So Dialed Number - Call Type, Call Type - Scheduled Script, Team - Members, Agents - Skills (Dynamic Reskilling helped this a lot). If we can do bulk inserts, we should be able to do more bulk associations.

        It would be nice if creating a Skill Group with the Bulk Insert would automatically make a Route for me. Exporting the SG IDs, then bulk inserting back to make the Routes is boring.

        Definitely more help on the DN nodes and the label nodes. If we could apply a filter there - just like we can in the config tool - to find matches based on things in the name, description etc. Then when the same DN or label occurs on multiple RCs it's much easier to find. Configuring complex DN and Label nodes across multiple PGs (CVP) is a source of error.

        I'd like the ability to set a flag (perhaps in the Feature List) so that the Description window in Script Explorer pops up so one must add a comment when creating/modifying scripts. It can be frustrating to know what has been changed because many don't use the Script Explorer to add comments. In fact Script Explorer could be made much more useful - with some filtering to just show scripts that match a pattern.

        (I'll try to think of more)



        I just slapped these on 'paper' in relatively short order but please do let me know which of my initial points I can clarify. I definitely want to make these as clear as possible without overwhelming with too many details, at least for sake of this thread. It looks like we're going to get a pretty nice list going here so at some point I could catalog these with enhanced descriptions. Each one I've heard so far definitely are great enhancements.

        No worries - and I'm not being critical in any way.  These two I did not understand

        • Subscripts in script editor
        • Input/Output labels in script editor


        * Subscripts... essentially a universal subroutine that once complete would return to the node where the subroutine is called. Maybe something  such as some shared DBLookup logic that rather than being called out in multiple nodes at every invocation could simply be called as a subroutine.Or in a CVP environment maybe the initialization of the standard ECC elements in a subroutine. Of course, this wouldn't so much be an issue with a Set Multiple Variable node as spaulin has requested. The two in conjunction with each other, even better!

        *Input/Output labels... think GoTo steps and Labels like those in UCCX/IPIVR. This could also help to keep scripts MUCH cleaner without having to use a million line connectors to minimize line crossover (if you're as picky as I am with line crossing in scripts). Almost like a subroutine but local to the script. For those familiar with Aspect version 7 and later you'll recall these from scripting. Quite handy.

        Another point :

        Aband Interval can be reset at the time it hit the the call type node


        Those are some lofty wishes, all I would like is for consitent keyboard navigation through the config manager items.  I hate reaching for the mouse so if I can tab my way to an item and use the arrows, I'm happy.  There are some items in config manager which are out of order when you tab through or that will not respond to the down arrow.  That's all I ask for.


        Level 4
        Level 4

        We can all dream, right? Completely agree on the Config Manager navigation. 

        Level 1
        Level 1

        When agents move to a different subnet, there should be a better way to fix silent monitoring other than actually touching each agent machine, running postinstall.exe (as administrator), and rebooting the machine.

        paul jurkowski
        Level 1
        Level 1

        Some sort of find/replace in script editor nodes would be nice. I do a lot of copying and editing and being able to edit formulas without triple checking that there is no extra ) in the syntax would be cool. And I agree with everything above.