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JTAPI Trigger Configuration (Max Number Of sessions)

Level 1
Level 1

Is present Cisco Application Administration - 3.5

What allowable value is possible for establishing in configuration CTI Route Point Maximum Number Of sessions =?

Whether probably to establish value Maximum Number Of sessions=1?

6 Replies 6

Level 8
Level 8

If I understand your question correctly, if you set a Route Points maximum number sessions to 1. Then only 1 call can be active for that route point at anyone one time. The second call would get a busy. Generally, you want this to equal the number of CTI Ports you have configured (unless you are breaking up your CTI ports seperately per application but this isn't common).

please rate helpful posts.

adignan - berbee

Thanks for the answer also excuse for bad knowledge of English language.

If I have correctly understood, it is possible to create one Route Points with

maximum number sessions =30, instead of creation 30 Route Points with maximum number sessions =1?

At us these Route Points are used only for the organization of turn.

please rate helpful posts.

Yes, generally you would want 1 Route Point with maximum sessions of 30 and configure a CTI Port group of 30.

Basically, the Route Point is just the lead nuber and once dialed you will be dumped into one of the available 30 CTI Ports.

adignan - berbee

Thanks for the answer.

You have confirmed my assumption. I try to solve a problem with a mistake in ICM:

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Cisco Systems, Inc. ICM

Event Category: Call Router

Event ID: 351

Date: 26.05.2006

Time: 10:12:14

User: N/A

Computer: CC-ICM


Translation route timeout for controller CCM_PG (ID 5000), route TR_VRU_2 (ID 5003).



0008:3258 2d 00 5f 0105 e1 2X-._.. á

0010: f0 14 c4 91 7a 80 c6 01 ð.Ä‘z€Æ.

0018:2800000002024100 (..... A.

0020:727472004343 2d 49 rtr. CC-I

0028:43 4d 300035303030 CM0.5000

0030:0035303033004343.5003. CC

0038: 4d 5f 5047005452 5f M_PG.TR_

0040:565255 5f 32000000 VRU_2...

You could not give advice?

Whether there will be an answer?

First u need to Check the Logfiles (using Dumplog)of PG CCM pim, VRU pim, JTAPIgw. Also use "Router Log viewer" Call a DN that trigger a script and see whats happen.

u need to give more infos in order people can help u ;)
