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overwrite port number

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,

Considering CVP 11.6 VVB comprehensive model, can we use 8080 port number to invoke CVP Application. I have updated server.xml file and icm scripts to refer the port number 8080. After doing the changes I have restarted the vxml service. However, the application doesn't get invoked when using 8080 port. If I revert back the port number to 7000 the application is invoked properly. Are there any others files/configurations that needs to be updated when using a different port number other than 7000 ?

Thanks in Advance

7 Replies 7

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You would have to customise bootstrap.vxml, where the CVP URL is built, and possibly bootstrap.tcl also.

Hi Paul,

We are using CVP 11.6 VVB as per the Cisco Documentation we do not have bootstrap.vxml and bootstrap.tcl, instead we have CVPComprehensive.aef script. As per the CVP 11.6 documentation the CVPComprehensive.aef script is not modifiable.

Any guidance is much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Sorry, missed the VVB bit.  In that case it's bad news if it's being overridden in the aef, which is likely.  If you look at the App-Info header on the SIP Invite to the VVB, what port number do you see there?

Below is the log snippet, we could see the port number as 7000 even when we set the port number as 8080 in the ICM script and the VXML server's server.xml file: -

14239513: May 07 07:52:36.327 CDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=SD4qhk201-e0020a78bf3faeaaae8445b2e1957d03] Fetch:    file:/opt/cisco/uccx/Documents/System/bootstrap.vxml

14239514: May 07 07:52:36.330 CDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=SD4qhk201-e0020a78bf3faeaaae8445b2e1957d03] Log:       **HTTPS**false**Starting Application...

14239515: May 07 07:52:36.330 CDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=SD4qhk201-e0020a78bf3faeaaae8445b2e1957d03] Log:       **CVP Header -- Primary: **IP Address Masked**

14239516: May 07 07:52:36.330 CDT %MIVR-SS_VB-7-UNK:[CALLID=SD4qhk201-e0020a78bf3faeaaae8445b2e1957d03] Log: **CVP Header -- Port: **7000**

I haven't worked with VVB yet,
but can't you just do it like in the old days where in the ICM script, you set
user.microapp.media_server to "http://ipaddress:8080/CVP" and

user.microapp.useVxmlParams to "N" and

user.microapp.app_media_lib to ".."

Yes the above mentioned configurations are done in the ICM script.

One thing you could try is setting the App-Info SIP header in the ICM script before the Send To VRU is performed.  Set the SIPHeader variable to a string in this format "App-Info~mod~<" + CVP_IP_Address + ":8080>" etc.

Not probably a 100% robust solution but see if it gets you over the immediate hurdle.   It looks like the App-Info header is hard-coded so the only other option is modifying in flight and routing the VRU leg through CUBE/vCUBE to modify the header with SIP profiles.
