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UCCX CUIC reports empty

Level 1
Level 1

UCCX v 11.6.1


Our customer, system manager gets empty reports in CUIC for certain CSQ’s.


I.e. in Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval report:

When changing filter to other CSQ it did show results.

After changing user rights and group membership in CUIC, I got lost.


The account customer is using is not only administrator but also supervisor in UCCX.

Could this cause conflict in rights ?


When I log in as CUIC administrator all reports run OK.


Any help appreciated !

1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

I removed Supervisor Capability view for this account in UCCX Administration menu bar, Tools > User Management > Supervisor Capability.


It appears that when user has Administrator Capability View too, causing a security conflict in CUIC.


Recommended to add separate account for this.


Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,


View solution in original post

11 Replies 11

Level 1
Level 1


Users with same name in cuic db, and ccx db (as supervisor) might be causing the issue.


Try having seprate users for CUIC Reports & as Supervisor and share the findings.


Following link providing information regarding having user with same name in CUIC DB & CCX DB: 


Although it's for CCE but might be applicable to CCX CUIC as well.


Also check if you are getting following error: doBulkInsert for Supervisors failed: SQLException: Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column (Unique Index:).  @ Login in CUIC OAMP -- Cluster Configuration -- User Integration.


Thanks Armaan,


Right, I do understand for CCE and it does make sense.


Works slightly different for CCX though.

No CUIC OAMP available.

We can set only one (sys admin) account through UCCX interface;

System > Standalone CUIC configuration for configuring standalone CUIC.


Anyway, I will setup separate supervisor and administrator accounts for customer and share results here.


Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,


I removed Supervisor Capability view for this account in UCCX Administration menu bar, Tools > User Management > Supervisor Capability.


It appears that when user has Administrator Capability View too, causing a security conflict in CUIC.


Recommended to add separate account for this.


Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,


How are we supposed to know what user its referring to? Is there a SQL DB query we can run on the AWDB-HDS-DDS server? I'm trying to identify what user its referring to.

I have a similar problem here


Did you find a solution for making everything working correctly?

@floatingpurrif you're on UCCX, I do not have the fix. For CCE, the fix is below.


1. SSH Into the CUIC Publisher

2. Run the below SQL Query

run sql select * from cuic_data:cuicuser cuic, (select t.ADLoginName, t.personid from cuic_data:cuicuser as c, cuic_data:cuic_temp_users as t where c.personid = t.personid and!= t.ADLoginName ) as temp  where = temp.ADLoginName and (cuic.personid !=temp.personid or cuic.personid is NULL)

3. If you get any output for the SQL Query in step 2 then those problematic users in CUIC will need to be deleted (DO NOT delete them from CUIC with SQL statements via CLI)

a. Log into CUIC GUI and search for the user and delete them.

b. If the user has associated things owned by them, you'll see the following Error. If that's the case, follow the List Entities Owned by User Process and Failed to Delete User Process - Change Owner.

ERROR:  Failed to delete the user because it still owns other objects (such as Dashboard, Report, Report Definition, or Value List)


List Entities Owned by User Process

1. SSH Into the CUIC Publisher

2. Run query to find out the CUIC ID of the user who needs to be deleted.

run sql select id, name from cuic_data:cuicuser where name  in ('domain_name\OldOwner54321')
id                               name                 
================================ ===================== 
A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E domain_name\OldOwner54321

3. Now that you have the CUIC ID, you can run all of the queries needed to validate what entities that owner has.

List all Scheduled Reports owned by a certain user. 
	run sql select Id, ScheduledreportName from cuic_data:cuicScheduledReports where UserId = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'

List all Category's owned by a certain user. 
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicCategory where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'
List all Dashboards owned by a certain user. 
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicDashboard where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'
List all Reports owned by a certain user. 
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicReport where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'
List all Report Definitions owned by a certain user.
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicReportDefinition where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'

List all Data Sources owned by a certain user.
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicDatasource where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'

List all Value Lists owned by a certain user.
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicValueList where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E'
List all Collections owned by a certain user. 
	run sql select Id, name from cuic_data:cuicCollection where Owner = 'A272DD241000015700000ABC0AB5E42E' and ValueListId is not null


Failed to Delete User Process - Change Owner

1. Ask the Customer who the new Owner should be for those Entities found.

2. SSH into the publisher
3. Perform a search to find out what that new owners CUIC ID is.

*** At the end of the below query, enter the new Owners users User Name as it appears in CUIC.

run sql select id, name from cuic_data:cuicuser where name  in ('domain_name\NewOwner12345')
id                               name                 
================================ ===================== 
37EA476B1000016F00020AD50AB5E455 domain_name\NewOwner12345

4. Fill out the following SQL Update statements below. Use the previous List Entities Owned by User Process and only run as needed.

a. Make sure the set owner = the CUIC ID from the above statement.
b. Make sure the end name in is equal to the user you are trying to delete.
c. These updates will look for everything that is assigned to the user you are trying to delete and then associate those to the new ID. Its weird because you are using a combination of CUIC ID and the actual UserID.

run sql update cuic_data:cuicreport set owner = '37EA476B1000016F00020AD50AB5E455' where owner in ( select id from cuic_data:cuicuser where name in ('domain_name\OldOwner54321'))
run sql update cuic_data:cuiccategory set owner = '37EA476B1000016F00020AD50AB5E455' where owner in ( select id from cuic_data:cuicuser where name in ('domain_name\OldOwner54321'))
run sql update cuic_data:cuicdashboard set owner = '37EA476B1000016F00020AD50AB5E455' where owner in ( select id from cuic_data:cuicuser where name in ('domain_name\OldOwner54321'))
run sql update cuic_data:cuicscheduledreports set userid = '37EA476B1000016F00020AD50AB5E455' where userid in ( select id from cuic_data:cuicuser where name in ('domain_name\OldOwner54321'))

5. Go into the CUIC App Admin page and perform a UCCE User Integration Sync

a. Select Cluster Configuration from the left then select UCCE User Integration

b. Select "Synchronize Now"

6. Go back to where you are trying to delete the user. Perform a search and see if they are still there. If they are, then select them and click delete.



Unfortunately, I'm on the UCCX. It's incredible that you can't have a user for both (i) managing a team, and (ii) getting out reports from the CUIC.

No, It appears that when user has Administrator Capability View too, causing a security conflict in CUIC.

I agree that's incredible that you can't have a user for both (i) managing a team, and (ii) getting out reports from the CUIC in UCCX.

In my case the user has just supervisor capability view. Nothing more than that. The problem looks the same

Level 1
Level 1

Okay, this is different. So, did you complete the agent team settings ?

Yes, I added the user to the Supervisor Capability View list. Then, I set such a user as a secondary supervisor of the default team.

- I can see live data in Finesse and in the CUIC

- All the historical reports are blank (and they should not, as I can easily check with another user)


Do I need other settings?