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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Nowadays, our customers and businesses live in a multicloud world – they are in the process of moving to the cloud or they are wanting to move to the cloud. It’s easy to talk about moving your business to a multicloud environment, but in reality, it requires a lot more expertise.

That’s where IBM Services come in – they have that expertise in order to help customers execute their multicloud vision. Cisco and IBM Services partnered together because we both want to transform and push the multicloud world forward.

In order to push the cloud transformation, there are many moving “islands” that need policy drive connectivity. Software driven cloud networking acts as a bridge that connects all of the islands. With Cisco ACI, it gives those customers simplicity, reduced operating expenses, easy scalability, and enhanced security. For example, Cisco ACI customers see a reduced application deployment time of over 85%.  

Something else to take into consideration is that applications that can be easily migrated to the cloud have been.  We know that 20% of workloads have been moved to the cloud, but the other 80% is the challenge. To bridge that gap, Cisco and IBM Services provide the underpinning architecture to remove any infrastructure barriers so we can start working towards application mobility and transforming the digital business environment.

One of the other big changes in a cloud world that Cisco and IBM Services is addressing is the new, desired buying model for customers. With Cisco’s partnership with IBM Services, we are bringing innovative models to the enterprise for a seamless, turnkey solution.

Be sure to view our full session on theCUBE to get a more in-depth look at our IBM services partnership and how we are both pushing the multicloud world forward.

We will also be posting theCUBE session on @CiscoDC, so make sure to follow us to not miss out!

Also would love for anyone to come check out my other speaking sessions at IBM Think if you’re attending and have a preconference pass:


9:30 AM - 10:10 AM | Session ID: 6313A | Smart Starts Here Workshop

The Network Assurance Engine

AMC Metreon | Theater 6


12:30 PM - 1:10 PM | Session ID: 6309A | Smart Starts Here Workshop

Accelerate the Digital Transformation with IBM GTS and Cisco

AMC Metreon | Theater 8

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