Data Center Switches

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Hi All,I am currently running version Nexus 1000V Version 4.2.1.SV1(4) on our site & had 4 hosts connected correctly & licensed. for some reason yesterday one of the hosts "dropped" off from the nexus 1000v. when we check the networking screen on the...

We have two 1000v VSMs on a Nexus 1010.  Each VSM is intended to manage a different network domain.  (as an example) vsm-1 is for the and vsm-2 is for  Each network domain is on its own fabric and each ESXi host has physi...

jhunt by Level 1
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On August 31, 2010 there was a DRAFT on Cisco Nexus 1000V LISP Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1) SV1(4) "Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) allows mobility of VMs across Layer 3 boundaries" Will LISP be implemented into Cisco Nexus 1000V to allo...

Hi all,Is there a limitation on 1.4.1 version of 1000v .... I've created a user with a role of network-admin but it doesn't have any of the Admin permission, ie cant run sho mod, can modify the any of the svs configs ...... is there something that I ...

Hi,In order to secure my vmotion network, I need to hide the vmware port-profile in the drop down list in the vm nic properties, is this something feasible with nexus 1000v ? if so, what command line does the trick ?I went through all Cisco documents...

omahrez by Level 1
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VEM server esx03 was added before VEM server esx01 to the VSM and therefore acquired Module 3.  Is there any way to mode the server attached to module 3 to module 5, so I can add server 1 to take module 3.Mod  Server-IP        Server-UUID            ...

rgolmon by Level 1
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Hi,I'm currently struggling to understand what certificate options are supported on the N1KV. I'm looking to use the switch in an environment where self-signed certificates are not acceptable, and therefore wish to enroll with an internal CA to furth...

What is the value add of putting the vmkernel ports under the 1000v management? We have always put the SC/Management/vMotion on standard vSwitches and then put the VM networking vmnics on the 1000v.Having the SC/management/vmotion on standard vswitch...

Hi all, I was wondering if any of you guys have noticed that if you run the 1000v VSM on UCS server, the VEMs on other UCS servers will power cycle during the day??  Anyone else seen this???My enviroment has a UCS and 3 Dell R900s running ESXi4.1.  W...