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Level 4
Level 4

Brief overview of how to connect to your scheduled demo pod (see prior video) and navigate the lab UI


Full size version downloadable here:

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Mike,

I couldn't connect using ActiveX on top of Cisco VPN. Java is fine.

Level 4
Level 4

I have seen this problem but have not narrowed it down to 100% repeatability.  Sometimes I have to try several times to get the ActiveX control to work before it actually works.  Sometimes it never seems to work even after a dozen attempts.  Java is slower to connect, but it seems to be more consistent on first-try success.  Once you have one connection launched, the second and third and beyond (e.g. to CPO, SQL, etc.) start up fast.

We don't control this piece of it.  It's provided by the hoster.

Level 1
Level 1

I notice that there are existing VMs from the My Servers view after signing into CCP. Wonder if this is an expected behavior or the automation cleanup wasn't complete.

Level 4
Level 4

That's by-design.  We want to have some real data in there so that it's an out-of-the-box demo of the product, but not that it's totally empty.

In fact, we're working now on enhancing the in-place stuff, along with a document that will help describe what you are seeing and what you can do with it.

Level 1
Level 1

Just completed evaluating the demo and it’s definitely a location where I will use for future customers demo. A few things I captured and wonder if you can clarify.

1.  I was unable to proceed with the bare metal provisioning. Under the Connection Status I can see 4x UCSM connections. UCS1 with description as emulated and the other 3 connections 192.168.100,x.x.x.80,x.x.x.70, failed in establishing connection.

2. Any plan to append NSM to the setup? My goal is to create a simple request form and have CPO talk to NSM to procure a network container even if that network container is a just simple vlan on the N1K. From a SP perspective this is important for the customer to understand how the future of private network container can be curve out.

Level 1
Level 1

I tried the user: jen and password:1A_Demo on demo version 3.1.1 but was not about to log in.

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