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Level 4
Level 4

This is a reminder to document authors, owners and other DCP users, that the Contributor function can be used to provide some refined access to documents. A Contributor can download and upload (check-in) a new version of an existing document.


This can be useful in the event a Contributor is not specifically assigned to the Project Team but has contributed or will contribute to a version of the document and needs to have formal access to the document to complete these tasks.

Example: You want a document to be accessible to just the project team members but also a few individuals outside the project team. To achieve this: define the internal visibility to 'Project team only' and add the few individuals that also need access as Contributors (Properties pane > Miscellaneous tab).

Note : Individuals that are invited to a document Discussion or are invited to Approve a document, are automatically added as Contributor.

The full capabilities to progress the document through its life-cycle (such as submitting for approval ...) are limited to the author or owners of the document.

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