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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

They are everywhere these days... they might be called "Micro-Services", "Cloud Native" or maybe "Modern Applications".  If you aren't an application developer, or if you are an application developer but you haven't had the need or interest to use these new architectures and concepts yet you may find yourself wondering what they heck the big deal is.  This confusion is most apparent when discussions around the necessity for a "cloud" to support these new applications.  I've been in many discussions with infrastructure teams and engineers who don't understand what the big deal is, why their application teams are telling them that their normal infrastructure and processes don't work anymore, and why they have abandoned the data center for "the cloud".


Like anything else, this confusion is most readily cleared up through understanding.  I wasn't immune to this confusion... it wasn't that long ago that I thought just a bit of automation around traditional infrastructure was enough.  But overtime I realized there really is something new and different about a modern application.


To help myself learn more about these applications, and later to help others understand, I started building a "Micro-Service" application, using as many of the new technologies, architectures and methods as possible.  The results of that effort was MyHero.


I've used the development of MyHero, and it's architecture, as the foundation for a technical presentation I call "Deconstructing Micro-Service Application Architecture and Design" (though I'm open to a catchier title if anyone has suggestions :-).  I'll be presenting the session at Cisco Live Berlin as BRKCLD-1009 and more information and registration can be found here ->


During the session I cover:

  • The difference between Client/Server and Micro-Service Architectures
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • Development Topics like repositories, containers, caching, queuing, object storage
  • Continuous Development Process
  • And the Infrastructure Stack needed to support Micro-Service Applications

But never fear that you'll be subject to the dreaded "Death by PowerPoint".  This session is a chock full of Live Demos that the audience is encouraged to participate in.  Yes, that's correct Live Interactive Demos... I am certainly praying hard to the demo gods for this session.

I hope to see you there!



PS... Thanks to Roger for such amazing cartoons.  Checkout his other work at

1 Comment
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Live interactive demos?

I can't miss that show!

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