Important Update!
We have an exciting update for the DevNet Zone Mini Workshops.
@vBrownBag is coming to live stream sessions from the DevNet Zone mini-workshops! These talks will be a great opportunity to learn more about what is going on in networking and datacenter tech as well as what might be comming in the future.
@vBrownBag will be in the DevNet Zone Monday from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm, Tuesday from 9 am to 11 am, and Wednesday 9 am to 11:30 am.
If you are at Cisco Live, come be a part of the audience, and if you can't make it to the event, checkout the live streaming!
You can see the full schedule of Mini-Workshops and vBrownbag sessions in the DevNet Zone activity matrix.
Some of the confirmed talks include:
- Monday 10:20 am Hybrid DevOps
- Monday 11:30 am- Upcoming Services in OpenStack
- Monday 11:50 am - Intro to Containers
- Tuesday 9:00 am Dynamic Dockerized Hadoop Provisioning
- Wednesday 9:00 am Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco
- Wednesday 11:10 - Scott Hanselman on Developer Productivity
- and many more!
"Snack Sized Learning" - DevNet Zone Mini-Workshops
I am excited to announce that we are offering a new activity in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live US in San Diego - the DevNet Zone Mini- Workshops!
Our goal for the mini- workshops is to provide a "snack-sized" learning opportunity so you can get a taste of a new skill or technology.
After the workshop, if you want to take the learning further, you can follow up in the Learning Labs, or Theater and Classroom sessions.
What's a Mini-Workshop?
The DevNet Mini-Workshops are a free, social and informal way to learn a new skill or try a new technology in small groups of 5 or 6. A DevNet team member will lead you through building your first container, learning coding skills, and trying new Cisco APIs. These workshops will be short (30 minutes), friendly, interactive and hands-on with the technology.
How do I participate?
These sessions are "first come, first serve". So stop by the DevNet Zone, check the schedule, and come early if you want to participate.
If you have questions about the workshops, please reach out to me on twitter @mandywhaley or comment on this post.
For full schedule of workshops, go to the DevNet Zone activity matrix and select the Workshop filter option.
Hope to see you there!
Mandy Whaley