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Alexander Stevenson
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The 7th edition of the DevOps Shop is live, and in it we taking an introductory look at Ansible!


In this video, we introduce you to the basic concepts and functionality of Ansible and we see important pieces of Ansible like the Ansible config file, the hosts inventory file, and the playbook.

Then, we demonstrate how to add or update an access control list (ACL) on a router, as well as how to use variables and conditionals in Ansible to create local files.

Finally, we show how to take your Ansible skills to the next level with Ansible-Projects, free Learning Labs and Sandboxes from Cisco DevNet, as well as the (also free) Cisco Code Exchange, where engineers share and borrow code, often using Ansible, for use with Cisco products.



Links shown in this video

- DevOps Shop #4: Tools Gold - Sifting Through the Pool of DevOps Tools

- Ansible mains site

- Ansible docs

- Ansible installation

- Ansible configuration

- Follow along with these demos

- Cisco DevNet sandboxes

- Ansible-Projects

- Cisco DevNet Learning Labs

- Ansible and Model-Driven Telemetry Workshop

- Cisco Code Exchange


Call to Action!


Do you like using Ansible for DevOps and/or network automation? Do you have any tips or projects you'd like to share?

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Previous editions of DevOps Shop


1Intro to Cisco Modeling Labs

29 Easy-to-Use Python Modules for DevOps

3. Linter Wonderland + AI Assistant for Developers

4Tools Gold ~ Sifting Through the Pool of DevOps Tools

5.  Tremendous Terraform

6DevOps at Cisco Live + Free DevOps Education

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