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Alexander Stevenson
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


The latest edition of the DevOps Shop is out, and this time we are sifting through the pool to find the DevOps tools that rule!


Not all that glitters is gold, so to help, I've shared my top pick tools from each of these DevOps categories:


Container Orchestration: Kubernetes

Container Management: Docker

Configuration Management: Ansible

Monitoring: Prometheus

Continuous Integration: Jenkins

Build Tool: Maven

Testing: Selenium

Version Control: Git

Collaboration: Webex




Early on in the video, I state, "DevOps has evolved in such a way that there is an overabundance of tools, so learning them all is not realistic. Instead, start by learning a proven tool in each category."

Why do I pick these? Well, these tools are the most mature and not only integrate well together but are often more reliable and secure. Learning these tools will make learning other tools in those areas much easier in the future. 




In this video we also find a link to a clickable DevOps Tools Integration-Compatability Matrix I've put together for these tools.




If you were making a list, what would it look like? Much like mine, or would you add or remove things?

Share your thought in a reply below!


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Previous editions of DevOps Shop


1Intro to Cisco Modeling Labs

29 Easy-to-Use Python Modules for DevOps

3. Linter Wonderland + AI Assistant for Developers

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