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issue in connecting between Ansible and Nexus 9k

Level 1
Level 1


I have an Ansible playbook, where I used "nxos_facts" module and set "become: no" to disable privilege scalation. But I got the following error on my Ansible control host:

    "msg": "failed to elevate privilege to enable mode, at prompt [b'\\rswitch2# '] with error: unable to check privilege level [User name: admin\nCurrent privilege level: 15\nFeature privilege: Disabled]"


And this is the output from my Nexus 93128 device:

switch2# sh privilege
User name: admin
Current privilege level: 15
Feature privilege: Disabled

For reference, this is my playbook:

[root@tcentos ansible-dir]# cat tp-collecting-info-nxos.yml
- name: print nxos facts
  hosts: nxos
  become: no
  gather_facts: no
    - name: gathering facts
        gather_subset: all
      register: nxos_facts
    - name: printing facts
        var: nxos_facts

And my group vars for nxos devices:

[root@tcentos ansible-dir]# cat group_vars/nxos/vars.yml
ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.network_cli
ansible_network_os: cisco.nxos.nxos
ansible_become: no


Any idea?

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Hi friends. none of the things I did worked for me. I even upgraded NXOS to version 9.3(8) which is Cisco's recommended version, but got the same error again, again and again!

ansible.module_utils.connection.ConnectionError: failed to elevate privilege to enable mode, at prompt [b'\\rswitch2# '] with error: unable to check privilege level [User name: admin
Current privilege level: 15
Feature privilege: Enabled

this is my ansible vars:

[root@tcentos ansible-dir]# cat group_vars/nxos/vars.yml
ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.httpapi
ansible_network_os: cisco.nxos.nxos

and my playbook:

[root@tcentos ansible-dir]# cat tp-cbackup-nxos.yml
- name: print nxos facts
  hosts: nxos
  gather_facts: no
    - name: backup config
        backup: yes
      register: nxos_backup
    - name: printing facts
        var: nxos_backup

Nexus config:

feature privilege
feature telnet
feature nxapi
feature vpc
username admin password 5 $1$XMiZ  role network-admin
username admin role priv-15
enable secret 5 $1$4ef0dfcc9
nxapi http port 80

And finally here are some outputs showing AAA config:

switch2(config)# sh aaa authentication
         default: local
         console: local
switch2(config)# sh aaa authorization
         pki-ssh-cert: local
         pki-ssh-pubkey: local
switch2(config)# sh privilege
User name: admin
Current privilege level: 15
Feature privilege: Enabled

I think there should be logical answer to this error. haven't you ever faced with such error? I think I'm missing very important point here, because with all of things I did, I should see any progress and difference, but I'm at the first step after all. Any idea? anything?