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7921 Disable Directory Access

Level 1
Level 1


I'm running Call Manager 7.1.5, and I have a handful of 7921 phones that I need to disable the Directory and Services buttons due to privacy/security needs at my hospital.

Based on information from these posts, I'm aware that I should be able to go to Phone > Devices, pick the specific phones, and set "External Data Locations Information" URI's to Disabled or some other bogus URI in order to remove access to these functions. I'm also aware that setting the URI to Init:CallHistory should trigger the Clear Call History function.

Doing this works perfectly for my 7911 and 7942 phones! Unfortunately, the "Directory" option on my 7921 does not seem to take effect, and the user still has access to the directory option. The other buttons do behave appropriately, it seems, since pressing those buttons triggers a "URL not configured" message. Also, setting the Idle time to 5 seconds and setting the Idle URI to Init:CallHistory doesn't seem to work either.

Is this a bug, does the 7921 not support this, or is there something I'm missing or alternative means of doing this? Firmware version is CP7921G-1.4.1.

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

I ended up calling TAC on this one. They've been able to confirm that it is a problem in the current firmware. I'm looking at having it escalated for resolution in a future firmware release.