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Application dial rules affecting phone forwarding.

Mike Buyarski
Level 3
Level 3

We have an application dial rule setup to add a 8+1 to any number we try to dial out from jabber or any other place that has a phone number link. our AD has just the 10 digit number for jabber and telephone hyperlinks seem to do the same. So when we forward a DID (more specifically when a user forwards their phone that is connected to a DID) it also adds the 8+1 to the outgoing caller ID. this has not been a problem until recently. One cell phone carrier is now blocking the calls that are forwarded from our system specifically because we add the 8+1 on the number it receives. 


without removing the application dial rule that would shut down jabber dialing and hyperlink dialing, is there a way to remove the 8+1 from the outgoing caller ID? 

2 Replies 2

Normally we dont send these extra digits to carrier, as its not required for TSP.

is the problem is with the forwarded calls only ? Can you paste the debug messages for the problematic call?


Response Signature

this is only on forwarded calls to users with a cell phone from a specific carrier. For instance I do not have that carrier and I can forward to my cell phone and it will ring through just fine. but the caller ID number I receive is telling me the call is coming from Canada When i am calling from the US. This is a problem for our area since the first digit of our area code starts with a 9 so the area code on the phone will show up as "819" if it was any other area code i expect it would work, but since our local area code starts with a "9" its a problem. 


all i need to be able to do is on outgoing forwarded calls somehow strip the "81" from being sent out. Again this is only a problem on calls forwarded. this is on UCM 11.5, i can confirm the forwarded calls are being forwarded out our system the problem is on the carriers side blocking the calls. However they are not being forth coming with it. so the work around would be to no forward the additional digits of "81" without having to remove the application dial rule we have.