CUCM 7.0
Backup gets to TFTP and the tar file reaches 1,044,976KB in size and hangs. No log file is generated that I can find. Trace from DRF indicates the following:
2009-04-02 13:34:09,000 INFO [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageReceiver::HandleMessage: Message ID3100 has been validated successfully
2009-04-02 13:34:09,000 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:HandleShowStatus: Received show status request
2009-04-02 13:34:09,003 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageHandler:HandleShowStatus: Show status response sent
2009-04-02 13:34:11,139 INFO [NetMessageDispatch] - drfMessageReceiver::HandleMessage: Message ID1120 has been validated successfully
2009-04-02 13:34:11,139 DEBUG [NetMessageDispatch] - {STATE_BACKUP_SERVER_DIRECT} drfBackup:HandleResponse_UPD(Device=-):
This is over and over again in the trace. SFTP server is FreeFTPd.
It is a Manual Backup.
Please rate if this helps.