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BAT configuration import fails after CUCM upgrade from 10.0 to 10.5

Sinisa Hreljac
Level 1
Level 1



I have imported some number of UDP configuration via "Bulk Administration > Import/Export > Import" function in CUCM 10.0 version, and that passes OK (I have manually created .csv file with full UDP details and pack it back to tar file).


Now, we have done in place upgrade from 10.0 to 10.5 CUCM, and for some irrelevant (for this problem) reason we have to delete that UDPs and import them back.

To import them back to CUCM, now I have to again to Import allready uploaded .tar file...but now import fails with error  "IP SERVICE :: Error : -1" for every UDP.

So Cisco, what do you change in import function???  There is no change in source .tar file containing UDPs...only change CUCM 10.0 to 10.5!!


And another thing...I tried to do export of other UDPs that exists to look if you change some field name..and than I notice that export of IP services is done to wrong fields, starting with "Speed Dial Number 23" instead of  "Service Name 1".



9 Replies 9

Hi shreljac,


Sometime after a upgrade some new field are added to some service feature, in your case UDP. Maybe that's why you're not able to import a old version .tar file. 

I would recommend you to create a manual UDP file, then export the UDP created and manually populate the information of every UDP user and upload the file.



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Hi Leo,

yes, thanks for tip. I have expanded UDP with new fields, but import still fails, now with error:

"Service Name is required when Subscribed Service values are mentioned."

Don't get it what is wrong now.


And as I also said before, you cannot do export and import back configuration because exported csv file is not in valid format....and that is obviously Cisco bug that is not resolved for a long time.


If you do export and than import of the same exported file, on same CUCM version...this SHOULD work. This looks like one developer team works on export function and another on import function...and they never talk to each other. Great job Cisco...


Hi shreljac

I have exactly the same issue. Do you have a solution to solve this Problem?

Yes...get rid of CUCM and migrate to some other vendor VoIP solution.

Not very constructive

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Well, I'm very frustrated with this because not only that this scenario not working OK, but also there are some other bugs at bulk export/import (like hunt pilot) that makes configuration totally messy and that is discovered weeks after importing and putting system in production. To be precise, hunt pilot forward setting are not importing as it should if you have few hundreds of hunt mess.

I would reverse engineer this. Export an existing, working user device profile from 10.5, using all details. this should show you what columns need to be populated. populated this export with the 10.0 information and import it back in. I have used a similar approach before

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Hi Dennis

I Need it on CUCM 10.5 and not on CUCM 10.0. It doesn't work even if I make an Export and Import with same tar file on the CUCM 10.5.

I think it is this BUG:




Level 1
Level 1

We are migrating from Lync to Jabber.  I have a PowerShell script that does it all and produces a file for the BAT upload, but it doesnt work for everyone.  XML files produced work just fine