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Cisco 7821 with CME 10.5 no call history shown

sajid gul
Level 1
Level 1


Actually I have 7821 SIP phone registered with Cisco2911 with IOS (C2900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)M2,
(CUCM v10.5) and phone firmware "sip78xx.10-1-1SR1-4"
on all 7821 phones, everything is ok but i can not see the call history and
missed calls on phones

Please help

10 Replies 10

sajid gul
Level 1
Level 1

BIPL-House_Router#sh telephony-service
CONFIG (Version=10.5)
Version 10.5
Max phoneload sccp version 17
Max dspfarm sccp version 18
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
For on-line documentation please see:

protocol mode default
ip source-address port 2000
ip qos dscp:
ef (the MS 6 bits, 46, in ToS, 0xB8) for media
cs3 (the MS 6 bits, 24, in ToS, 0x60) for signal
af41 (the MS 6 bits, 34, in ToS, 0x88) for video
default (the MS 6 bits, 0, in ToS, 0x0) for serviceservice directed-pickup gpickup
load 7911 SCCP11.8-0-3S
load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-0
load 6941 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-0
load 6901 SCCP6901.9-1-1-0
max-ephones 58
max-dn 58
max-conferences 6 gain -6
dspfarm units 0
dspfarm transcode sessions 0
conference software
no privacy-on-hold
hunt-group report delay 1 hours
hunt-group logout DND
max-redirect 10
cnf-file location: system:
cnf-file option: PER-PHONE-TYPE
network-locale[0] US (This is the default network locale for this box)
network-locale[1] US
network-locale[2] US
network-locale[3] US
network-locale[4] US
user-locale[0] US (This is the default user locale for this box)
user-locale[1] US
user-locale[2] US
user-locale[3] US
user-locale[4] US
srst mode auto-provision is OFF
srst ephone template is 0
srst dn template is 0
srst dn line-mode single
time-format 12
date-format dd-mm-yy
timezone 37 West Asia Standard Time
secondary-dialtone 9
call-park system application
transfer-pattern 2...
after-hours block pattern 1 9
after-hours day Sun 12:00 08:00
after-hours day Mon 19:00 08:00
after-hours day Tue 19:00 08:00
after-hours day Wed 19:00 08:00
after-hours day Thu 19:00 08:00
after-hours day Fri 19:00 08:00
after-hours day Sat 15:00 12:00
keepalive 45 auxiliary 30
timeout interdigit 10
timeout busy 10
timeout ringing 180
timeout transfer-recall 0
timeout ringin-callerid 8
timeout night-service-bell 12
caller-id name-only: enable
web admin system name Administrator password cisco
web admin customer name Customer
edit DN through Web: enabled.
edit TIME through web: enabled.
background save interval 10 minutes
Log (table parameters):
max-size: 150
retain-timer: 15
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jul 04 2016 08:52:05
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-digit-collect new-call
local directory service: enabled.
Extension-assigner tag-type ephone-tag.


BIPL-House_Router#sh version
Cisco IOS Software, C2900 Software (C2900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.4(3)M2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 06-Feb-15 17:29 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 15.0(1r)M9, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

BIPL-House_Router uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 08:41:57 GMT Mon Jul 4 2016
System image file is "flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-3.M2.bin"
Last reload type: Normal Reload
Last reload reason: power-on

As per CME 10.5 compatibility matrix guide, it should be 10-1-1SR1 firmware and that you are already using. Anyway, I would suggest upgrading/degrading firmware on phone may help here.


Do you think that if i upgrade the firmware from 10-1-1SR1 to sip78xx.10-3-1-12 it should resolve the problem ?

Because in compatiblity matrix only supportted firmware is 10-1-1SR1

You may try it but I'm not sure that it will resolve this issue bcoz nowhere it is documented, so its just a hit & trial.


I will follow the following steps for upgrading If you have any suggestion please let me know 

1) Download Firmware 

2) Copy to Flash 

3) Make Tftp Bindings 

4) Define Load in Voice register global 

5) Reset the Phone ( first i will try on one phone only ) 

Yes Sajid, this is the process.


Dear Hudda , 

Can you share me your personal email incase in future if i found any difficulty i can reach on that email ?

You may reach me at

Have you tried upgrading FW as above ?


not yet i will try on Monday or Tuesday

Suresh Hudda
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

It's seems phone' firmware related issue, try to upgrade/degrade firmware on phone and then check
