09-27-2010 04:13 AM - edited 03-16-2019 01:01 AM
Hi All,
I recently faced a problem with Cisco IP Communicator that they do not display neither personal nor corporate directories. Note that I have CUCM 7.1 and all other types of cisco phones work fine.
09-27-2010 04:29 AM
Can you browse to the 'Directories' URL as listed in System/Enterprise Parameters in CCMAdmin?
09-27-2010 04:48 AM
here ya go:
I x'ed my ccm IP for security issues. but the IP is correct, it is the ccm IP.
I must mention that not all Cisco IP Communicator (CIPC)share the the problem, only some of them.
You want me to browse? how? you mean through the CIPC? no i can't only the "Missed Calls", "Recieved Calls", and "Placed Calls" directories appear.
09-27-2010 04:53 AM
I'll ask again - can you browse to that URL using internet explorer, from the affected client PCs? If you can't browse to it from that PC, then CIPC can't either...
09-27-2010 05:07 AM
Yes. It is possible to browse that URL through Internet Explorer from the PC that CIPC have the problem.
09-27-2010 05:12 AM
OK - do you see the URLs listed if you go to the Settings/Device Configuration menu in CIPC?
09-27-2010 05:21 AM
No Aron, I don't see them.
09-27-2010 06:18 AM
I'll assume that you can find where the URLs should be displayed in settings, but they are blank. If this is the case it may be that those PCs can't download the tftp config file - can you try this from an affected PC:
tftp x.x.x.x get sep123412341234.cnf.xml
(substitue x.x.x.x for your publisher IP, and SEP123412341234 for your CIPC device ID)
If you get a timeout then the CIPC can't access the config file which contains the URLs; if you get a file open it in notepad and see if it contains the proper URLs.
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