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ExpressWay Hardware Migration 11.5

Juraj Papic
Level 3
Level 3



I have my 2 expressways with version 11.x and I need to do a hardware migration (no changes no updates) is there any best practices for this?



10 Replies 10

There is no  expressway 11.X. After 8.x its 12.x and 14.x. What are you trying to achieve ? 






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sorry it was my bad with the version its 8.x and the task is to move the expressway from one old hardware to a new hardware.



Backup can be restored on the same versions.


Take backup from the old, On new hardware install the same versions and use the backup.



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On the assumption that your Expw are virtual, aka a VM in ESXi, you only would need to use vMotion to move it to the new hardware.

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Hello Roger,


For this site we don't have Vmotion we only have ESXI.



You can do an offline move of the VM by copying the VM files manually between the ESXi hosts.

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Will the task "export vm" will do the same a moving the files?



Sorry, but that’s out of my area of expertise. I got some basic knowledge of VMware, but not on a deep level. I hope that someone else can give you help on this.

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Juraj Papic
Level 3
Level 3

For cucm 11.x i was doing that,  I was doing a new install and then a restore. the only things to take care was the MAC. Do you think this will do the job for the expressways?



You can rehost the license by opening a License TAC. Provide them the SO# or  PAK details, TAC will provide you the new keys. 



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