Hi All
Is it possible to have a scenario where the CUCM checks a dialed pattern and places the call based on the partition?
The scenario is as follows;
We are migrating form Avaya IPO to Cisco CUCM. We have Cisco CUCM talking to Avaya PBX via SIP trunk. Extensions on CUCM can call avaya exteensions and vice versa. We can also make offnet calls via SIP to Avaya. As we migrate extensions, we have a situation where the extension pattern 2XXX exists on both Cisco and Avaya. To call extensions on Avaya, we are having to add an extra digit, eg 92XXX. This is however, not a good user experience and we have been advised to drop the 9, so that users should not be confused.
The plan now is to place all extensions still existing on the Avaya in a partition separate from the local CUCM extension partition. The question is how do we route calls to extensions in this avaya partition? if we create a pattern 2xxx and route to the SIP trunk, will this work if the that pattern is not on the local partition? if not how do we best do this?
Many thanks