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How to setup flash-only (silent ring) at CME 11.5 for SIP phone

Level 1
Level 1

We want to setup line with flash-only (silent ring) feature for share line in CME 11.5

But I cannot find any command under "voice register pool" for this purpose.

For sccp phone it seems it is pretty easy to using button command with s option.

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


There is no way to set silent ring on CME SIP phones.

You can, instead ,upload a silent file to the CME and then utilize it as a ringtone.

Please rate and mark correct if helpful.



Here's few options and flavor that you can work with to silent the ring using CME.


SilentRing(s)You can configuresilentring on any type of phone.However, you typicallyset silentring only on buttonsofa phonewith multiplelines,such as a CiscoUnifiedIP Phone7940,CiscoUnifiedIP Phones7960 and 7960G,or a CiscoUnifiedIP Phone7914 ExpansionModule.The only visiblecue is a flashing((< icon in the phonedisplay.If you configurea buttonto have a silentring, you will not hear a call-waitingbeep or call-waitingringregardlessof whetherthe ephone-dnassociatedwith the buttonis configuredto generatea call-waitingbeepor call-waitingring.In CiscoIOS Release12.4(4)XCand later releases,the silentringingbehavioris overriddenduringactivenight-serviceperiods.Silentringingdoes not applyduringdesignatednight-serviceperiodswhentheskeywordis used.


MonitorMode(m)A line buttonset in monitormodeon one phonedisplaysvisualline statusfor a line that also appearsonanotherphone.Whenmonitormodeis set for a buttonwith a sharedline, the line statusindicatesthat thesharedline is eitheridle or in use. The line and line buttonare availablein monitormodefor visualstatusonly. Callscannotbe madeor receivedusinga line buttonthat has been set in monitormode.Incomingcallson a line buttonthat is in monitormodedo not ring and do not displaycallerID or call-waitingcallerID.Monitormodeis intendedfor use only in the contextof sharedlines so that a receptionistcan visuallymonitorthe in-usestatusof severalusers’phoneextensions(for example,as a busy-lampfield).To monitorall lineson an individualphoneso that a receptionistcan visuallymonitorthe in-usestatusof that phone,see the WatchMode(w) section.The line buttonfor a monitoredline can also be used as a direct-station-selectfor a call transferwhenthemonitoredline is in an idle state.In this case, the receptionistwho transfersa call from a normalline can pressthe Transferbuttonand then pressthe line buttonof the monitoredline, causingthe call to be transferredtothe phonenumberof the monitoredline.


Feature Ring(f)A featurering is a third type of ring cadence,in additionto the internalcall and externalcall ring cadences.For example,an internalcall in the UnitedStatesrings for 2 secondson and 4 secondsoff (single-pulsering),and an externalcall rings for 0.4 secondson, 0.2 secondsoff, 0.4 secondson, and 0.2 secondsoff (double-pulsering).A featurering is a triple-pulsering. The purposeof associatinga featurering with a line buttonis to beable to identifyfrom a distancea specialline that is ringingon a multilinephone.


SilentRing(s)You can configuresilentring on any type of phone.However, you typicallyset silentring only on buttons of a phonewith multiplelines,such as a CiscoUnifiedIP Phone7940,CiscoUnifiedIP Phones7960 and 7960G,or a CiscoUnifiedIP Phone7914 ExpansionModule.The only visiblecue is a flashing((< icon in the phonedisplay.If you configurea buttonto have a silentring, you will not hear a call-waitingbeep or call-waitingring regardless of whetherthe ephone-dnassociatedwith the buttonis configured to generate a call-waiting beep or call-waitingring.In CiscoIOS Release12.4(4)XC and later releases,the silent ringing behavior is overridden during active night-serviceperiods. Silentringing does not applyduring designated night-service periods when thes keywordis used.


Hope that help!

You can modify the Ring in many way, upload silent file is the long way out. I've posted few options that you may consider below.

Also the link that you may want to keep handy. Cheers!