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Issues with Voice translation rule

Level 6
Level 6

Hi Guys,


I am testing any calls and to specific numbers the voice translation-rule don´t work.

voice translation-rule 40
rule 2 /^0\([2-9].......\)$/ /\1/
rule 3 /^0\([79]........\)$/ /\1/
rule 4 /^0\(19.\)$/ /\1/
rule 5 /^0\(181\)$/ /\1/
rule 6 /^0\(911\)$/ /\1/
rule 7 /^0\(112\)$/ /\1/
rule 8 /^00\([1-9][1-9][2-9].......\)$/ /024\1/
rule 9 /^00\([1-9][1-9][2-9]........\)$/ /024\1/
rule 10 /^00\([4-6][1-9]9[6-9].......\)$/ /024\1/
rule 11 /^00\([1-37-9][1-9][79]........\)$/ /024\1/
rule 12 /^00\([38]00.......\)$/ /0\1/
rule 13 /^000\([1-9].*\)$/ /0024\1/
rule 14 /^0\(.*\)$/ /\1/

BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation rule 40 194
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 194
194 Didn't match with any of rules
BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 192
192 Didn't match with any of rules
BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 181
181 Didn't match with any of rules
BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 112
112 Didn't match with any of rules
BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 911
911 Didn't match with any of rules
BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 08007260090
Matched with rule 14
Original number: 08007260090 Translated number: 8007260090
Original number type: none Translated number type: none
Original number plan: none Translated number plan: none

BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 03001007575
Matched with rule 14
Original number: 03001007575 Translated number: 3001007575
Original number type: none Translated number type: none
Original number plan: none Translated number plan: none

BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 135
135 Didn't match with any of rules
BERRINI_BR500_VGW#test voice translation-rule 40 47011515
47011515 Didn't match with any of rules


Any have idea about this?







13 Replies 13

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
All of your rules have been configured to look at a dial string starting with 0. The ^ plays the role here. Only numbers starting with a 0 would match the rules.

Hi Nipun,


Thanks a lot for Your contact. Sorry, but, I didn´t understood Your explanation. This rule are all external number and in my invironment the all external calls start with "0" zero. For example:

Emergency services: 19x, I need that dial 0 + 191

Local number: 23456789, I need that dial 0 + 23456789







so what is the issue then ? You highlighted in your post that some translations are working and some are not. I told you why are they working/not working. Can you detail out your requirement please ?

Hi Nipun, 


For example to rule 19x, 193 worked and 194 not worked, and both are number valids.

112, 911 not worked And I see that the rule are with the same format (I don´t know if the best word to explain this). 


Stay clear now?





So if you are trying to call 3 digits only, none of them will be affected by these translation rules. Rule 14 might match a 3 digit string taken the fact that the number starts with a "0".

Is this a CME ? What is the complete number that you dial that does not work ? What is the complete call flow ?

Hi Nipun,


As I told for any external calls I need put "0" (emergency services, Utility Services, local call, mobile, 0800, 0300)


Emergency Services and Utility Public Services always have 03 digits


Number that not work: 112, 911, 914, 135, 1xxx


I have the CUCM (not CME). 


The call flow is:

IP Phone > CUCM > Gateway > PSTN







Follow the partial configuration

I'm not sure about putting '0' in front of all number which you dial especially the likes of 911 but surely you'd need something similar to:

IC-ISR001(cfg-translation-rule)#rule 99 /^\(...\)$/ /0\1/

IC-ISR001(cfg-translation-rule)#do test voice translation-rule 1 999
Matched with rule 99
Original number: 999 Translated number: 0999
Original number type: none Translated number type: none
Original number plan: none Translated number plan: none

Hi evlla1990,


Thanks a lot for Your contact. I can to do this test, but, as I told previously in Brazil the all external calls start with "0". I don´t have problem to local call, mobile phone, long distance, international calls, etc...





Let me know how you get on with that rule added to TR 40. 


Hi evlaa1990,


The User dialed 0+xxx, when the call arrived the gateway, it strip the zero and forward the call to Carrier.







Did you get this resolved? 
Are you saying even with the translation rule i sent over you dial 911 the translation rule adds 0 to make 0911, but then something is removing the 0 and sending only 911? 


Hi evlaa1990,


To number 911 the Carrier told me that not will to worked, because, not is the number regulated in Brazil. To another call to number of 03 digits, the Carrier was waiting receive before number a tech prefix (I don´t know this information), after apply the tech prefix in the gateway the call to 03 digits start work.




