I want to deply this setting,
SIP Client ----> Cube ----> CUCM
I'm trying to register my SIP Client into CUCM, the sip proxy address that I use with my client is the address of the CUBE.
unfortunately im only able to register my client if i put the "credntials" of the client in the cube. I want to be able to use the cube as transparent entity, meaning that when my client send the REGISTER message it will arrive to the CUCM and be registerd there without intervention of the CUBE (just passing the message )
(assume that the cubes IP is a.a.a.a and the CUCM is b.b.b.b and that the client username is 1000)
I thought that the flow of the registration will be something like that
Client sends the registration to the CUBE - Register sip:1000@a.a.a.a
CUBE sends the registration to the CUCM - Register sip:1000@b.b.b.b
CUCM sends the OK back to the CUBE
CUBE send the OK back to the client
*the other sip message have the same flow
am I missing something? can anyone give me direction?
Thank you advance,
Bar Dubovski