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[RTMT-ALERT-StandAloneCluster] HardwareFailure

Level 1
Level 1

We received the following error message from one of our call manager subscriber servers

Start Error: At Sun Jul 31 17:02:03 EDT 2011 on node, the following HardwareFailure events generated: hwStringMatch - cmaidad[5594]: Logical Drive Status Change: Slot 1, Drive: 2. Status is now Interim Recovery. hwStringMatch - cmaidad[5594]: Physical Drive Status Change: Slot 1 Port 2I Box 1 Bay 4. Status is now Failed. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Logical Drive Status Change: Slot 1, Drive: 2. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Status is now Interim Recovery. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: hwStringMatch - cmaeventd[5503]: Hot-plug drive removed: Port 2I Box 1 Bay 4 of Array Controller in slot 1. hwStringMatch - cmaeventd[5503]: Physical drive failed: Port 2I Box 1 Bay 4 of Array Controller in slot 1. hwStringMatch - cmaeventd[5503]: Logical drive 2 of Array Controller in slot 1, has changed from status OK to Interim Recovery hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Physical Drive Status Change: Slot 1 Port 2I Box 1 Bay 4. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Status is now Failed. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm:

Last Error: At Sun Jul 31 17:40:34 EDT 2011 on node, the following HardwareFailure events generated: hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Logical Drive Status Change: Slot 1, Drive: 2. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Status is now OK. hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm:

Any thoughts on what happened?

System version:

3 Replies 3

Payal Bhaduri
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Jason,

It looks like an issue with the hard drive.

From the second message, is this something that we need to pay close attention to or has the issue resolved itself?

Hi Jason,

You can monitor the alerts and if you get the message "Status is now Failed" again, you should go ahead and investigate the hard drive.