01-08-2025 01:34 AM
The calls are dropped after 12 seconds with cause code 127 INTERWORKINGUNSPECIFIED
Our CTI application is handling calls transferred to CTI route point, the call is answered, media connection is established and we use RTP stream to play a prerecorded message. When the message playback is finished, the call is put on hold and awaits for pickup by an agent.
The application is using JTAPI library and from occasionally calls are disconnected and we receive FAILED event. After enabling JTAPI logs, we can see that the call was answered, the SetRtpParams call was successful and the “StartReception” was received. After about 11-12 seconds we receive “StopTransmissionEvent” and at the same time call state changed with state DISCONNETED and cause code INTERWORKINGUNSPECIFIED, and JTAPI events ConnFailedEv and CallCtlConnFailedEv ciscoCause=127 (INTERWORKINGUNSPECIFIED).
JTAPI logs:
**** GCID=6206547/17 callLeg=298600954 ****
7011: sty 07 11:27:23.226 CET %JTAPI-CTI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app){Line:327102816:327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:(2,80352)|Call:[GCID=(6206547/17),CID=298600954]} NewCall [state=OFFERING auxData=1 destCM=17 destType=EXTERNAL unCg=0692582907 unCd=327102816 unOrigCd=327102816 unLRP=327102107 cg=0692582907 cgN= ed=327102816 edN= orig=327102816 origN= lrp=327102107 lrpN= origin=INBOUNDEXTERNAL reason=BLINDTRANSFER activeTone=0 devN=327102816 RIU=false Priv=false Select=0 CgPI=True CgNPI=True CdPI=True CdNPI=True OrigPI=True OrigNPI=True LRPPI=True LRPNPI=True UcodeCgPN= Locale=15 UcodeCdPN= Locale=15 CgIP= CgIPv6=null LineIdDn= Parti= globCg=0692582907 CdNType=0 CgPNType=0 Pre=true Priority=1 UniqueIdentifier=00000000005EB45311CC49FA00000000 cgHuntDN=: cdHuntDN=null:null cgPat=2 cdpat=2 cgVideoCap=0 cgTelepresInfo=0 cgNoScreens=-1 cdVideoCap=0 cdTelepresInfo=0 cdNoScreens=-1 pCall=null CallType=0]
**** accept call ****
7054: sty 07 11:27:23.228 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app)[Thread-29][[327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1/(P1-cti_app) GCID=(17,6206547)->ACTIVE]->OFFERED]Request: accept()
7056: sty 07 11:27:23.232 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Response: com.cisco.cti.protocol.CallAcceptResponse {
sequenceNumber = 135
result = 0
7060: sty 07 11:27:23.234 CET %JTAPI-CTI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app){Line:327102816:327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:(2,80352)|Call:[GCID=(6206547/17),CID=298600954]} CallStateChanged (V2) [state=ACCEPTED cause=NOERROR destType=EXTERNAL destCM=17 fwdDest=: SecStat=1 unCg=0692582907 unCd=327102816 unOrigCd=327102816 unLRP=327102107 cg=0692582907 cgN= ed=327102816 edN= orig=327102816 origN= lrp=327102107 lrpN= origin=INBOUNDEXTERNAL reason=DIRECTCALL activeTone=0 devN=327102816 RIU=false Priv=false Select=0 CgPI=True CgNPI=True CdPI=True CdNPI=True OrigPI=True OrigNPI=True LRPPI=True LRPNPI=True UcodeCgPN= Locale=15 UcodeCdPN= Locale=15 CgIP= CgIPv6=null LineIdDn= Parti= globCg=0692582907 CdNType=0 CgPNType=0 Pre=true Priority=1 UniqueIdentifier=00000000005EB45311CC49FA00000000 cgHuntDN=: cdHuntDN=: cgPat=2 cdpat=2 cgVideoCap=0 cgTelepresInfo=0 cgNoScreens=-1 cdVideoCap=0 cdTelepresInfo=0 cdNoScreens=-1]
**** answer ****
7080: sty 07 11:27:23.636 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app)[Thread-51][[327102816/[327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1/(P1-cti_app) GCID=(17,6206547)->ACTIVE]->ALERTING]->RINGING]Request: answer()
7082: sty 07 11:27:23.640 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Response: com.cisco.cti.protocol.CallAnswerResponse {
sequenceNumber = 136
result = 0
**** connected ****
7097: sty 07 11:27:23.649 CET %JTAPI-CTI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app){Line:327102816:327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:(2,80352)|Call:[GCID=(6206547/17),CID=298600954]} CallStateChanged (V2) [state=CONNECTED cause=NOERROR destType=EXTERNAL destCM=17 fwdDest=: SecStat=1 unCg=0692582907 unCd=327102816 unOrigCd=327102816 unLRP=327102107 cg=0692582907 cgN= ed=327102816 edN= orig=327102816 origN= lrp=327102107 lrpN= origin=INBOUNDEXTERNAL reason=DIRECTCALL activeTone=0 devN=327102816 RIU=false Priv=false Select=0 CgPI=True CgNPI=True CdPI=True CdNPI=True OrigPI=True OrigNPI=True LRPPI=True LRPNPI=True UcodeCgPN= Locale=15 UcodeCdPN= Locale=15 CgIP= CgIPv6=null LineIdDn= Parti= globCg=0692582907 CdNType=0 CgPNType=0 Pre=true Priority=1 UniqueIdentifier=00000000005EB45311CC49FA00000000 cgHuntDN=: cdHuntDN=: cgPat=2 cdpat=2 cgVideoCap=0 cgTelepresInfo=0 cgNoScreens=-1 cdVideoCap=0 cdTelepresInfo=0 cdNoScreens=-1]
7104: sty 07 11:27:23.650 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) 6206547/17 ConnConnectedEv 327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1 [#805] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
7105: sty 07 11:27:23.650 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) 6206547/17 CallCtlConnEstablishedEv 327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1 [#806] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:100 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
7106: sty 07 11:27:23.650 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) 6206547/17 TermConnActiveEv 327102816 [#807] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
**** openLogicalChannel ****
7119: sty 07 11:27:23.665 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Event: com.cisco.cti.protocol.DeviceCallOpenLogicalChannelEvent {
eventSequence = 384
deviceCallManagerID = 2
deviceID = 83702
callCallManagerID = 17
callLegID = 298600954
milliSecondPacketSize = 20
compressionType = 2
mediaConnectionMode = 3
mediaIPAddressingMode = 0
isRTPRequired = true
7120: sty 07 11:27:23.665 CET %JTAPI-MISC-7-UNK:(P1- EventThread: queuing com.cisco.cti.protocol.DeviceCallOpenLogicalChannelEvent
7123: sty 07 11:27:23.665 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) [327102816] CiscoMediaOpenLogicalChannelEv [#809] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
**** RTP output start ****
7126: sty 07 11:27:23.665 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Event: com.cisco.cti.protocol.StartTransmissionEvent {
eventSequence = 385
deviceCallManagerID = 2
deviceID = 83702
callCallManagerID = 17
callLegID = 298600954
ipAddr = -117184758
rtpPortNumber = 17788
milliSecondPacketSize = 20
compressionType = 2
precedenceValue = 184
useSilenceSuppression = false
maxFramesPerPacket = 80
bitRate = 1
mediaDeviceName =
mediaResourceId = 0
mediaConnectionMode = 3
rtpDest_v6 = com.cisco.cti.protocol.RTPDestinationV6 {
ipAddr_v6 = null
rtpPort_v6 = 0
activeIpAddressingMode = 0
7133: sty 07 11:27:23.666 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) [327102816] CiscoRTPOutputStartedEv [#810] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
**** setRTPParams ****
7142: sty 07 11:27:26.182 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app)[Thread-31][327102816]Request: setRTPParams(CiscoRTPParams172.23.4.247/17788)
7144: sty 07 11:27:26.187 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Response: com.cisco.cti.protocol.DeviceSetRTPForCallResponse {
sequenceNumber = 137
result = 0
callManagerID = 2
deviceID = 83702
7145: sty 07 11:27:26.187 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Event: com.cisco.cti.protocol.StartReceptionEvent {
eventSequence = 386
deviceCallManagerID = 2
deviceID = 83702
callCallManagerID = 17
callLegID = 298600954
ipAddr = -150726740
rtpPortNumber = 17788
milliSecondPacketSize = 20
compressionType = 2
useEchoCancellation = true
bitRate = 1
mediaDeviceName =
mediaResourceId = 0
mediaConnectionMode = 3
rtpDest_v6 = com.cisco.cti.protocol.RTPDestinationV6 {
ipAddr_v6 = null
rtpPort_v6 = 0
activeIpAddressingMode = 0
7148: sty 07 11:27:26.187 CET %JTAPI-CTI-7-UNK:Call:[GCID=(6206547/17),CID=298600954] On Device:(P1-cti_app) 327102816(2,83702) StartReception MediaConnectionMode:3
**** transmission start ****
7149: sty 07 11:27:26.187 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) [327102816] CiscoRTPInputStartedEv [#811] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
**** transmission end ****
7225: sty 07 11:27:37.728 CET %JTAPI-CTIIMPL-7-UNK:(P1- EventThread handling event com.cisco.cti.protocol.StopReceptionEvent[390]
7226: sty 07 11:27:37.728 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Event: com.cisco.cti.protocol.StopTransmissionEvent {
eventSequence = 391
deviceCallManagerID = 2
deviceID = 83702
callCallManagerID = 17
callLegID = 298600954
mediaDeviceName =
mediaResourceId = 0
mediaConnectionMode = 3
7229: sty 07 11:27:37.728 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) [327102816] CiscoRTPInputStoppedEv [#822] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:0 FeatReason:12
**** call state changed ****
7245: sty 07 11:27:37.730 CET %JTAPI-PROTOCOL-7-UNK:(P1- received Event: com.cisco.cti.protocol.CallStateChangedEvent_V2 {
eventSequence = 392
lineCallManagerID = 2
lineID = 80352
callCallManagerID = 17
callLegID = 298600954
state = 14
cause = 127
fwdDestinationAddress =
fwdDestinationPartyDNInfo = com.cisco.cti.protocol.PartyDNInfo_V2 {
sipUrl = com.cisco.cti.protocol.SIPUrl {
user =
host =
port = 0
transportTye = 0
urlType = 0
partition =
voiceMailbox =
numberType = 0
reason = 1
bRemoteInUse = false
overallCallSecurityStatus = 1
bIsConsultSetupByRollover = false
bCallClearedByHuntList = false
cgpnHuntMemberDN =
cgpnHuntMemberPartition =
cdpnHuntMemberDN =
cdpnHuntMemberPartition =
7248: sty 07 11:27:37.730 CET %JTAPI-CTI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app){Line:327102816:327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:(2,80352)|Call:[GCID=(6206547/17),CID=298600954]} CallStateChanged (V2) [state=DISCONNECTED cause=INTERWORKINGUNSPECIFIED destType=EXTERNAL destCM=17 fwdDest=: SecStat=1 unCg=0692582907 unCd=327102816 unOrigCd=327102816 unLRP=327102107 cg=0692582907 cgN= ed=327102816 edN= orig=327102816 origN= lrp=327102107 lrpN= origin=INBOUNDEXTERNAL reason=DIRECTCALL activeTone=0 devN=327102816 RIU=false Priv=false Select=0 CgPI=True CgNPI=True CdPI=True CdNPI=True OrigPI=True OrigNPI=True LRPPI=True LRPNPI=True UcodeCgPN= Locale=15 UcodeCdPN= Locale=15 CgIP= CgIPv6=null LineIdDn= Parti= globCg=0692582907 CdNType=0 CgPNType=0 Pre=true Priority=1 UniqueIdentifier=00000000005EB45311CC49FA00000000 cgHuntDN=: cdHuntDN=: cgPat=2 cdpat=2 cgVideoCap=0 cgTelepresInfo=0 cgNoScreens=-1 cdVideoCap=0 cdTelepresInfo=0 cdNoScreens=-1]
7250: sty 07 11:27:37.730 CET %JTAPI-JTAPIIMPL-7-UNK:{(P1-cti_app) GCID=(17,6206547)->ACTIVE} CallManager.processCallStateChange: Handling STATE_DISCONNECTED for 327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1 Cause: CAUSE_NORMAL
***** failed event *****
7251: sty 07 11:27:37.730 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) 6206547/17 ConnFailedEv 327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1 [#824] Cause:100 CallCtlCause:0 CiscoCause:127 FeatReason:12
7252: sty 07 11:27:37.732 CET %JTAPI-JTAPI-7-UNK:(P1-cti_app) 6206547/17 CallCtlConnFailedEv 327102816:PT-ALL-IPT:1
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