I am trying to bring up a test CME 8.6 server, but am having issues getting my test IP7941G phone to register with the system.
The phone definitely gets an IP address from the CME server, but it looks like the problem is that it's not getting its appropriate phone load, even though I appear to have the right files place and the IP7941's load file is exactly the same as the load that the CME server is serving up. Any ideas?
Here are the config details:
IOS version: c2800nm-spservicesk9-mz.151-4.M7.bin
Content of flash:/phones/
3 -rw- 2911906 Jan 12 2014 16:25:36 +00:00 apps41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
4 -rw- 517968 Jan 12 2014 16:25:40 +00:00 cnu41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
5 -rw- 2189038 Jan 12 2014 16:25:56 +00:00 cvm41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
6 -rw- 541453 Jan 12 2014 16:26:00 +00:00 dsp41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
7 -rw- 1629575 Jan 12 2014 16:26:10 +00:00 jar41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
8 -rw- 660 Jan 12 2014 16:26:12 +00:00 SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S.loads
9 -rw- 660 Jan 12 2014 16:26:12 +00:00 term41.default.loads
10 -rw- 660 Jan 12 2014 16:26:12 +00:00 term61.default.loads
Current configuration : 7653 bytes
! Last configuration change at 18:23:38 UTC Sun Jan 12 2014
version 15.1
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname bdc-cme
boot system flash c2800nm-spservicesk9-mz.151-4.M7.bin
card type t1 0 3
enable secret 4 LcV6aBcc/53FoCJjXQMd7rBUDEpeevrK8V5jQVoJEhU
enable password 7 0313541D0301
no aaa new-model
network-clock-participate wic 3
network-clock-select 1 T1 0/3/0
dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool VoiceVLAN
option 150 ip
ip domain name wovensystems.local
ip multicast-routing
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
license udi pid CISCO2821 sn FTX1051A1KN
log config
controller T1 0/3/0
cablelength long 0db
pri-group timeslots 1-24
ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh rsa keypair-name woven.systems-1
ip ssh version 2
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
no mop enabled
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/3/0:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn incoming-voice voice
no cdp enable
interface Service-Engine1/0
ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0
service-module ip address
service-module ip default-gateway
ip default-gateway
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http secure-server
ip http timeout-policy idle 120 life 86400 requests 10000
ip http path flash:/gui
ip route Service-Engine1/0
tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.html
tftp-server flash:gui/admin_user.js
tftp-server flash:gui/CiscoLogo.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/Delete.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/dom.js
tftp-server flash:gui/downarrow.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/ephone_admin.html
tftp-server flash:gui/logohome.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/normal_user.html
tftp-server flash:gui/normal_user.js
tftp-server flash:gui/Plus.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/sxiconad.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/Tab.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/telephony_service.html
tftp-server flash:gui/uparrow.gif
tftp-server flash:gui/xml-test.html
tftp-server flash:gui/xml.template
tftp-server flash:/phones/SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S.loads alias SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/jar41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn alias jar41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/apps41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn alias apps41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/cnu41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn alias cnu41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/cvm41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn alias cvm41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/dsp41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn alias dsp41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn
tftp-server flash:/phones/term41.default.loads alias term41.default.loads
tftp-server flash:/phones/term61.default.loads alias term61.default.loads
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog1.raw alias Analog1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog2.raw alias Analog2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/AreYouThere.raw alias AreYouThere.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/AreYouThereF.raw alias AreYouThereF.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Bass.raw alias Bass.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/CallBack.raw alias CallBack.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Chime.raw alias Chime.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Classic1.raw alias Classic1.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Classic2.raw alias Classic2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/ClockShop.raw alias ClockShop.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/DistinctiveRingList.xml alias DistinctiveRingList.xml
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Drums1.raw alias Drums2.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/FilmScore.raw alias FilmScore.raw
tftp-server flash:/ringtones/HarpSynth.raw alias