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Trouble with Outbound ISDN Caller-ID

Level 1
Level 1

Greetings all. We're having an issue where we are making outbound calls, and our carrier is presenting our billing ID for outbound calls. After some back and forth with them, we determined that there is a Presentation Indicator being set to "Number not available due to interworking".

Example of a debug isdn q931 output on our side (with some numbers changed):

ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0xD is 0x2 0x1, Calling num 5551234567
ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: Sending SETUP callref = 0x00F2 callID = 0x8166 switch = primary-ni interface = User
ISDN Se0/0/1:23 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x00F2
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xE9828397
Exclusive, Interface 2, Channel 23
Calling Party Number i = 0x21C0, '5551234567'
Plan:ISDN, Type:National
Called Party Number i = 0x80, '15558675309'
Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

Example of what the TelCo is receiving (numbers also changed):
0....... Variable length information element

.1101100 Information element type = Calling party number (108)

0012 0c Information element length = 12

0013 21

0....... Not last octet in group

.010.... Number type = National number (2)

....0001 Number plan = E.164 (ISDN/Telephony) (1)

0014 c0

1....... Last octet in group

.10..... Presentation indicator = Number not available (2)

......00 Screening indicator = User provided, not screened (0)

0015-001e 39333734383535303135 Calling party number = 5551234567

For context, we are using an on-prem asterisk SIP server which connects to a cisco 2911 with a T1 card that converts it to ISDN. This is an inherited system that most of the people that have set it up are long gone or have purposefully chosen to forget it.

From the debug on the TelCo side, it appears that they're receiving our calling party number, there's just an issue with the Presentation indicator. Right now we have nothing on our router configuration that sets or overrides the caller ID, with the intention that its all handled on our PBX. The closest thing I've seen on Cisco's side that could override this indicator is setting "clid network-number", but this also seems to override the calling number which is not what we want.

Is anyone aware on Cisco devices if there's a way to override this indicator while maintaining calling party number from the PBX?

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