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UC520 Phone upgrade, getting new error screen.

Level 1
Level 1

Just upgraded my UC520 to 8.6.2 which included a phone load upgrade to 9.1(1); my previous phone load was 8.5(4).

I'm not a programmer, but I've created several useful service menus on the system that access php scripts on a server.  Several of these scripts will cause an error: XML Error [4]: Parse Error.  While on the 8.5(4) phone code, the error would appear in the Prompt area of the screen, below the main screen and above the buttons.  It was non-obtrusive and would disappear after a few seconds.  I tried on several occasions to figure out the source of the error but all the functions worked great regardless so we simply ignored the error.

With the 9.1(1) upgrade, the error is obtrusive.  After selecting a menu item, the script is run, but the XML error now pops up on it's own full screen.  Only way out is to hit the Exit button which takes me back in an extra step in the menu tree.

Now, I know the obvious answer to this is to figure out the source of the XML error and fix it.  I've tried, but can't seem to find (did I mention I'm not a programmer! ;-).  Been through documents like this; I'm not using any special characters or long prompts:

Looking for ideas on how to diagnose the XML error, move the error to the Prompt area where it was before, or suppress the error all together.

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Was able to find a satisfactory work-around for this.  To provide some background...

I have one script that I use to turn on an LCD display in a conference room.  It has a series of menus, one for ON, OFF, and input selects like DVI or HDMI.  Depending on the menu selected, it would call a single PHP script with a parameter passed to tell it what to do, ie: /control.php?lcd=on.

Prior to the upgrade, the script would be called, the action taken, and I'd get an XML Error [4]: Parse Error in the Prompt area of the screen.  As mentioned, everything worked find so we just ignored it.  With the new system throwing a screen up instead, it disrupted the workflow.

I played with my php scripts and found one thing interesting. If I put just one "echo" command in the script, I'd still get a new page, but it would send my echo text and not the XML error.  I could put this "echo" anywhere in the file and would get the same results.  Then, as a pure accident, I added a header line to my php:

header ('Content-type: text/xml);

Amazingly, I got a new result.  The message in the Prompt area appeared saying "File not found", the script ran normally, and the message disappeared after a few seconds.  Pretty much what was happehing before the upgrade but with a different message.  Actually, from here, I could have left it and continue to ignore this new message.  But I started playing wtih a bunch of MIME types to see the various results.

After playing wtih about a dozen types, I came across this one:

header ('Content-type: audio/basic);

And with that, I got no errors at all; nothing, nada, zip.  Works just fine.

Now, I'm not sure my phones are going to all start playing random audio at 2am in the morning, but for now, this seems to my workaround.

If anyone has further insight into what I found, I'd appreciate understanding it further.


