hi all,
i configured uc540 with 11 phones , but the problem is my device is automatically restarting after some hours . wireless in the uc540 also disconnecting automatically.
some tomes it will restart twice or thrice and then stable state and while restaring i am getting following messages
-Traceback= 0x814F6744z 0x83C2DF6Cz 0x815AB280z 0x815AC718z 0x815AE2A4z 0x815AD3
18z 0x815AD69Cz 0x80C3B880z 0x80C3DC70z 0x80C261B0z 0x80CFB3F4z 0x802D6A58z 0x80
02741Cz 0x8002741Cz 0x802D6B18z 0x82CC5B64z
CPU Register Context:
MSR = 0x00009030 CR = 0x24222044 CTR = 0x83C35DEC XER = 0x20000000
R0 = 0x00000001 R1 = 0x8678A5A8 R2 = 0xFFF5FFF5 R3 = 0x00000000
R4 = 0x845DD317 R5 = 0x8678A850 R6 = 0x00000000 R7 = 0x0F407435
R8 = 0x00000000 R9 = 0x00000000 R10 = 0x00000001 R11 = 0x00000005
R12 = 0x00000000 R13 = 0xFFF56988 R14 = 0x00000020 R15 = 0x00000273
R16 = 0x00000000 R17 = 0x00000000 R18 = 0x00000010 R19 = 0xFFFFFFFF
R20 = 0x00000000 R21 = 0x00000000 R22 = 0xFFFFFFFF R23 = 0x8678A680
R24 = 0x00000059 R25 = 0x00000010 R26 = 0x00000000 R27 = 0xFFFFFFFF
R28 = 0xFFFFFFEF R29 = 0x00000001 R30 = 0x0000021A R31 = 0x00000000
TEXT_START : 0x800200F0
Writing crashinfo to flash:crashinfo_20110201-165354-ZP4
=== Flushing messages (16:53:54 ZP4 Tue Feb 1 2011) ===
Queued messages:
000240: Feb 1 12:53:54.631: %SYS-3-LOGGER_FLUSHING: System pausing to ensure co
nsole debugging output.
000239: Feb 1 12:53:54.479: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0/5/0, Deaut
henticating Station 0013.023b.773e Reason: Previous authentication no longer val
id SSID[walkabout]
No warm reboot Storage
*** System received a SegV exception ***
signal= 0xb, code= 0x300, context= 0x859e57b0
PC = 0x814f6744, Vector = 0x300, SP = 0x8678a5a8
and also i am getting some additonal files with the following names in the flash
215 0 Feb 01 2011 12:06:20 crashinfo_20110201-160621-ZP4
216 0 Feb 01 2011 12:09:00 crashinfo_20110201-160900-ZP4
217 0 Feb 01 2011 12:12:48 crashinfo_20110201-161248-ZP4
218 0 Feb 01 2011 12:53:54 crashinfo_20110201-165354-ZP4
when i try to download from flash to pc nothing is coming ...
plz give me solution on this
all the things are updated in this device.