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Possible to delay an EEM action?

Level 1
Level 1

Hello, I am going to make use of EEM scripting to send to my ftp server some interfaces stats, I´m working with a cisco 3750. However, I´m seeing on event manager history events, that my EEM script (below) is aborted.I think that it might be owed to the fact that I write the data into a file, but writting the file takes too much time and action 4.0 is carried out before the file was available, so it cannot send it out marking the whole task as aborted. Therefore, I was wondering if I can trigger an new event from this event whose duty will be to send the file once it was completely written. May that be done within the EEM?? Or is there another way of stopping the execution of the action4.0 until the action 3.0 was achieved?

event manager applet dataGather

event timer watchdog name dataGather time 900

action 1.0 cli command "enable"

action 2.0 cli command "term length 0"

action 3.0 cli command "show interface vlan 1 | append flash:vlan1I.txt"

action 4.0 cli command "copy flash:vlan1I.txt ftp://myFTPServer/vlan1I.txt "

action 5.0 cli command "delete flash:vlan1I.txt"

Thanks in advance,
