03-10-2023 08:08 PM
I am unable to access our device a - WS-C3560X - unless i directly plugin to the console.
I was able to ssh to this yesterday but now I can't.
I already generated a new crypto via crypto key generate rsa even removed and added the ip domain-name
I also tried removing the transport input ssh and changed it to transport input all but I still can't access it.
Here's my configuration
03-10-2023 09:42 PM
Does telnet to the switch works or not?
What error message(s) appear when attempting to SSH into the switch?
03-11-2023 12:50 AM
telnet doesn't work either. the connection just times out on both telnet and ssh
03-11-2023 01:30 AM
Can the 3560CX ping the default gateway of the management IP address?
03-11-2023 01:31 AM
yes it can.
03-11-2023 01:51 AM
03-11-2023 02:54 AM
Yes to all
03-11-2023 03:05 AM
Check FW if there are any blocks.
03-11-2023 03:44 AM
its passes thru, even set it to all just to be sure
03-10-2023 11:14 PM
there is any NATing device this SW behind it ??
03-11-2023 12:51 AM
hi, no natting, but there is a firewall but traffic is allowed. the strange thing is its twin switch is fine and can be ssh'ed
03-11-2023 12:58 AM
FW do NATing ?
03-11-2023 01:27 AM
yes firewall does natting but i didn't enable it on any of my links
03-11-2023 02:18 AM
I will share some tips to check SSH issue behind FW