Decided to take the plunge and reimaged my 5506W-X to FTD versus ASA. I love NOT having to have Java on my PC in order to access a GUI. However, I do not like the firePOWER CLI. My impression is that you can see the config in ASA format but you cant put those commands in. You have to use those firePOWER commands from ASA mode when you would go session sfr.....
Anyway, when I connect wirelessly I cant get to the FTD GUI, only when I am connected in via a wired connection.
The wired connection is
The wireless connection is 192.168.100/24
There are policies to allow inside zone to inside zone and inside zone to outside zone. The wireless interface is in the inside zone.
From the wired network I can get to the Wireless AP page but from the wireless network I cant get to the FTD GUI page.
Any ideas?
Used this as a starting point (
Is it worth running FTD? I am not running any feature that prohibits me from doing so. I know FTD is the "future" but I wish I still had the ASA OS CLI but having FTD replace ASDM instead of the Universal image/CLI/GUI....