I have an ASA 5580, I am plannning on setting two EtherChannels (inside and outside), each channel will include two TenGigabit interfaces.
My questions is that if the links that I am gonig to use for the failover and link, should also be 20Gbs each, or it is ok to use 10Gbs for each link?
According to the Configuration guide 8.4
Use the following failover interface speed guidelines for the ASAs:
• Cisco ASA 5510
– Stateful link speed can be 100 Mbps, even though the data interface can operate at 1 Gigabit due
to the CPU speed limitation.
• Cisco ASA 5520/5540/5550
– Stateful link speed should match the fastest data link.
• Cisco ASA 5580/5585
– Use only non-management 1 Gigabit ports for the stateful link because management ports have
lower performance and cannot meet the performance requirement for Stateful Failover.
Thanks in advance