Hi ,
Good day.
I just seen a mac flapping issue at client's Core switch.
Nov 22 06:07:23.913: %SW_MATM-4-MACFLAP_NOTIF: Host 20cf.30ab.a02d in vlan 1 is flapping between port Te2/0/9 and port Te1/0/37
Nov 22 06:07:25.952: %SW_MATM-4-MACFLAP_NOTIF: Host 448a.5b7e.c901 in vlan 1 is flapping between port Te2/0/9 and port Te1/0/37
Te2/0/9 is going to IPS then to Fortinet firewall
Te1/0/37 is going to a distribution switch.
Distribution > CORE > IPS > Firewall
Do you guys have any idea why is there a mac flap from IPS and Distribution switch?
I'm thinking that the MAC address is rebroadcasted from the IPS.