We'd like to learn a little about your network, your pain points with monitoring an enterprise network, and your preferred solution and workflow to solve issues.
We ask that you complete our brief survey: https://ciscoux.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_emOXaU1QQgzfy7k?Source=communities
Out of those who complete the survey, 15 people will be randomly chosen to receive $20 USD or local equivalent. You will be able to choose from a gift card or donate it to a charity right from the rewards platform.
Your feedback will help improve Cisco products for you and other customers!
Betsy & @Richard Jang
User Experience Research, Cisco Systems
*We conduct research with customers, partners, and non-customers to understand their work, processes, how they use the products, and also give them a chance to test product concepts. This helps us improve networking products.