on 08-08-2014 03:15 AM
i want to share an old tcl script. This script displays information of the ospf-neighbor (Router-ID/Area/State/Address/Interface/DNS of Neighbor) and of all ospf id (for me it was helpful so that i dont forget my vrf-ospf-neighbors :P )
# revision 1.5 2011-12-15 by fholzapfel
# initial revision
# description: This script displays OSPF neighbors, including OSPF area, sorted by process ID
# configure: *ip name-server <ip>
# ios config:
# * download the file into flash:ospfNeighbors.tcl
# * configure alias exec on tclsh flash:ospfNeighbors.tcl
# **invoke with on <ospf-id>
namespace eval DnsHost {
variable A_RECORD 0x0001
variable AAAA_RECORD 0x001c
variable PTR_RECORD 0x000c
variable CLASS_IN 0x0001
variable REQ_FLAGS 0x0100
variable RCODES [list \
{No error} \
{Format error} \
{Server failure} \
{No such name} \
{Not implemented} \
{Refused} \
{Name exists} \
{RRset exists} \
{RRset does not exist} \
{Not authoritative} \
{Name out of zone} \
proc connect { server proto } {
if { $proto == "tcp" } {
if { [catch {set fd [socket $server 53]} result] } {
return -code error $result
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
} else {
if { [catch {set fd [udp_open]} result] } {
return -code error $result
fconfigure $fd -remote [list $server 53] -translation binary -buffering none
return $fd
proc getTid { } {
expr srand([expr [clock seconds] ^ [pid]])
return [expr int([expr rand() * 65535])]
proc getPtr6Req { addr } {
set shorts [split $addr ":"]
set zeros 0
set ptraddr [list]
if { [llength $shorts] < 8 } {
set zeros [expr (8 - [llength $shorts] + 1) * 4]
for { set i [expr [llength $shorts] - 1] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
if { [lindex $shorts $i] == "" } {
set ptraddr [concat $ptraddr [split [string repeat "0" $zeros] ""]]
} else {
set l [split [lindex $shorts $i] ""]
set l [concat [string repeat "0" [expr 4 - [string length [lindex $shorts $i]]]] $l]
for { set j [expr [llength $l] - 1] } { $j >= 0 } { incr j -1 } {
lappend ptraddr [lindex $l $j]
lappend ptraddr {ip6} {arpa}
return [join $ptraddr "."]
proc getPtrReq { addr } {
if { [isIP6Addr $addr] } {
return [getPtr6Req $addr]
set octets [split $addr "."]
for { set i [expr [llength $octets] - 1] } { $i >= 0 } { incr i -1 } {
lappend ptraddr [lindex $octets $i]
lappend ptraddr {in-addr} {arpa}
return [join $ptraddr "."]
proc isIP6Addr { host } {
set shorts [split $host ":"]
if { [llength $shorts] > 8 } {
return 0
foreach short $shorts {
if { $short == "" } {
if { [string length $short] > 4 } {
return 0
if { ![regexp {^[A-Fa-f0-9]+$} $short] } {
return 0
return 1
proc isIPAddr { host } {
if { [isIP6Addr $host] } {
return 1
set octets [split $host "."]
if { [llength $octets] != 4 } {
return 0
foreach octet $octets {
if { ![regexp {\d+} $octet] } {
return 0
return 1
proc udp_event { fd } {
global inData
global host_event
set inData [read $fd]
set host_event "reply"
proc arrToV6 { addr } {
set j 0
set start -1
set end -1
set tstart -1
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $addr] } { incr i 2 } {
set o1 [lindex $addr $i]
set o2 [lindex $addr [expr $i + 1]]
if { $o1 == 0 && $o2 == 0 } {
lappend res 0
if { $tstart == -1 } {
set tstart $j
} else {
if { $o1 == 0 } {
lappend res [format "%x" $o2]
} else {
lappend res [format "%x%02x" $o1 $o2]
if { $tstart != -1 && ($start == -1 || [expr $end - $start] < [expr $j - $tstart]) } {
set start $tstart
set tstart -1
set end $j
incr j
if { $tstart != -1 && [expr $end - $start] < [expr $j - $tstart] } {
set start $start
set end $j
if { [expr $end - $start] > 1 } {
set res [lreplace $res $start [expr $end - 1]]
set res [linsert $res $start ""]
return [join $res ":"]
proc lookup { host server proto {ts "A"} } {
set fd [DnsHost::connect $server $proto]
if { [catch {set fd [DnsHost::connect $server $proto]} result] } {
return -code error $result
set tid [DnsHost::getTid]
set flags $DnsHost::REQ_FLAGS
set class $DnsHost::CLASS_IN
if { $ts == "A" } {
set type $DnsHost::A_RECORD
set reqTypeStr "A"
} elseif { $ts == "AAAA" } {
set type $DnsHost::AAAA_RECORD
set reqTypeStr "AAAA"
if { [DnsHost::isIPAddr $host] } {
set type $DnsHost::PTR_RECORD
set host [DnsHost::getPtrReq $host]
set reqTypeStr "PTR"
set qs "\x00\x01"
set as "\x00\x00"
set aurrs "\x00\x00"
set adrrs "\x00\x00"
set hparts [split $host "."]
set lkup ""
foreach part $hparts {
set len [format "%02x" [string length $part]]
append lkup [binary format H2 $len]
append lkup $part
set query ""
append query [binary format H4 [format "%04x" $tid]]
append query [binary format H4 [format "%04x" $flags]]
append query $qs
append query $as
append query $aurrs
append query $adrrs
append query $lkup
append query "\x00"
append query [binary format H4 [format "%04x" $type]]
append query [binary format H4 [format "%04x" $class]]
set reqlen [string length $query]
if { $proto == "tcp" } {
set query [binary format H4 [format "%04x" $reqlen]]$query
puts -nonewline $fd $query
flush $fd
if { $proto == "tcp" } {
set inData [read $fd 2]
if { $inData == "" || $inData == 0 || ![binary scan $inData S readLen]} {
close $fd
return -code error "Error reading reply length from server"
set readLen [expr $readLen & 0xFFFF]
set inData [read $fd $readLen]
close $fd
} else {
global inData
global host_event
set host_event ""
# TIMEOUT 1000 ms is hardcoded should be configurable
after 1000 set host_event "timeout"
fileevent $fd readable [list DnsHost::udp_event $fd]
vwait host_event
close $fd
if { $host_event == "timeout" } {
return -code error "Timeout didn't recieved answer"
if { $inData == "" || $inData == 0 } {
return -code error "Error reading reply from server"
if { ! [binary scan $inData SSSS repTid repFlags repQs repAs] } {
return -code error "Error parsing reply header"
set repTid [expr $repTid & 0xFFFF]
set repFlags [expr $repFlags & 0xFFFF]
set repAs [expr $repAs & 0xFFFF]
if { $repTid != $tid } {
return -code error "Transaction ID mismatch"
set repError [expr $repFlags & 0x000F]
if { $repAs == 0 } {
return -code error [lindex $DnsHost::RCODES $repError]
set answers [string range $inData $reqlen end]
set aaddrs [list $host $reqTypeStr]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $repAs } { incr i } {
if { ! [binary scan $answers SSSIS respName respType respClass respTTL respLen] } {
return -code error "Error parsing reply body"
set respType [expr $respType & 0xFFFF]
set respClass [expr $respClass & 0xFFFF]
set respLen [expr $respLen & 0xFFFF]
set answers [string range $answers 12 end]
if { $respType != $type || $respClass != $class } {
set answers [string range $answers $respLen end]
set aaddr [list]
if { $reqTypeStr == "PTR" } {
binary scan $answers c elen
set elen [expr $elen & 0xFF]
while { $elen > 0 } {
set answers [string range $answers 1 end]
binary scan $answers a$elen elem
lappend aaddr $elem
set answers [string range $answers $elen end]
binary scan $answers c elen
set elen [expr $elen & 0xFF]
} else {
for { set j 0 } { $j < $respLen } { incr j } {
binary scan $answers c octet
set octet [expr $octet & 0xFF]
lappend aaddr $octet
set answers [string range $answers 1 end]
if { $reqTypeStr == "AAAA" } {
lappend aaddrs [arrToV6 $aaddr]
} else {
lappend aaddrs [join $aaddr "."]
return -code ok $aaddrs
proc get_server { } {
set cmd "show run | inc ^ip name-server"
set output [split [exec $cmd] "\n"]
foreach line $output {
if { [regexp {([\d\.]+)} $line -> server] } {
return $server
set cmd "show host | inc ^Name servers are"
set output [split [exec $cmd] "\n"]
foreach line $output {
if { [regexp {([\d\.]+)} $line -> server] } {
return $server
return ""
proc host { args } {
set args [join $args " "]
set proto "tcp"
set ts "A"
set i 0
for { } { $i < [llength $args] } { incr i } {
switch -glob -- [lindex $args $i] {
-u { set proto "udp" }
-6 { set ts "AAAA" }
-* { puts "Unknown option, [lindex $args $i]"
return -code error
* { break }
if { $i < [llength $args] } {
set host [lindex $args $i]
incr i
if { $i < [llength $args] } {
set dns [lindex $args $i]
} else {
set dns [get_server]
if { $dns == "" } {
puts "Failed to find a valid DNS server."
return -code error
if { $host == "" } {
puts {usage: host [-u] [-6] address [dns_server]}
return -code error
if { [catch {set addrs [DnsHost::lookup $host $dns $proto $ts]} result] } {
#puts "ERROR: $result"
#return -code error
} else {
set host [lindex $addrs 0]
set type [lindex $addrs 1]
if { $type == "A" || $type == "AAAA" } {
set dns_host [lindex $addrs 2]
} elseif { $type == "PTR" } {
set dns_host [lindex $addrs 2]
set line [split $dns_host "."]
set name [lindex $line 0]
return $name
proc printNeighbor {dataName} {
upvar $dataName data
global lineFormat
if {! [array exists data]} { return }
puts [format $lineFormat $data(ID) $data(AREA) $data(STATE) $data(IFADDR) $data(IFNAME) $data(NAME) ]
proc printProcess {pid} {
global lineFormat
set lineFormat "%-15s %-15s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-10s"
set cmdtext [exec "show ip ospf $pid neighbor detail"]
if { $cmdtext == "" } { return }
set cmdtext2 [exec "show ip ospf $pid | in VRF"]
if {[regexp -nocase {.*VRF (.*)} $cmdtext2 ignore vrf]} {
puts "\nOSPF neighbors for process ID $pid -> $vrf\n"
} else {
puts "\nOSPF neighbors for process ID $pid\n"
puts [format $lineFormat {Router ID} {Area} {State} {Address} {Interface} {Location} ]
foreach line [split $cmdtext "\n"] {
if {[regexp -nocase {neighbor ([0-9.]+).*interface address ([0-9.]+)} $line ignore id ifaddr]} {
printNeighbor neighbor
set neighbor(ID) $id
set neighbor(IFADDR) $ifaddr
set dns_name [ host $ifaddr ]
if { $dns_name == ""} {
set neighbor(NAME) "No PTR-Record set"
} else {
set neighbor(NAME) $dns_name
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {area ([0-9.]+).*interface (\S+)} $line ignore area ifname]} {
set neighbor(AREA) $area
set neighbor(IFNAME) $ifname
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {state is (\w+)} $line ignore state]} {
set neighbor(STATE) $state
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {DR is ([0-9.]+).*BDR is ([0-9.]+)} $line ignore dr bdr]} {
if {[string equal $dr $neighbor(IFADDR)]} {set neighbor(STATE) "$neighbor(STATE)/DR" }
if {[string equal $bdr $neighbor(IFADDR)]} {set neighbor(STATE) "$neighbor(STATE)/BDR" }
if {[array exists neighbor]} { printNeighbor neighbor }
proc collectOSPFID {pid} {
if {$pid == 0} {
set cmdtext [exec "show ip ospf summary-address | in Process ID"]
if { $cmdtext == "" } { return }
foreach line [split $cmdtext "\n"] {
if {[regexp -nocase {OSPF Router .*Process ID ([0-9.]+)} $line ignore id ]} {
printProcess $id
} else {
printProcess $pid
if { $argc == 1 } {
set id [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
set id 0
collectOSPFID $id
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