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  what is that mean about these commands

gsr12410 slot 1 and slot 2 use 12000-SIP-501(SPA-2X1GE-V2):

hw-module slot 1 tcam compile algorithm odm
no hw-module slot 1 tcam compile acl no-merge
hw-module slot 2 tcam compile algorithm odm
no hw-module slot 2 tcam compile acl no-merge

power-mgr disable

Jung Sun Lee
Level 1
Level 1

hw-module slot x tcam compile algorithm odm

hw-module slot x tcam compile acl no-merge

Above CLIs are related to the "Merge Fature" of Access Control Lists (ACL).

ACLs are using TCAM entries for performing lookups. To reduce number of TCAM entries (and reduce TCAM space which is shared by other features), ACLs are merged either on RP or LC (Line Card).

hw-module slot x tcam compile acl no-merge turns off this feature. Advancetage of this is that we can have per-ACE counters unline aggregate counters when merge features turns on.

hw-module slot x tcam compile algorithm odm means we will use merge algorithm of ODM (Order Dependent Merge). There are 2 types of ACL merge - ODM and BDD (Binary Decision Diagram). ODM is default behavior.

From your config, slot 1 and slot 2 are using ACL merge with ODM.

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