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Maintaining a device “golden” config. or its compliancy over time.

Level 1
Level 1

Using service package(s) to build various components of a network element in order to achieve a “golden” config, I’d like to get the communities thoughts on the best practices on maintaining this “golden” config. over time.  

Referring to the Juniper snippet below; this service package pushes both a host-name & domain-name and assigns the associated refcounters.  Because there are no associated refcounters or backpointers for <system>, I found that configuration can be added (either out-of-band or using the NSO client) over time; under “system”, and a re-deploy and/or re-deploy reconcile { discard-non-service-config } will not trigger the configuration for deletion and thus making the element non-compliant.

I’ve briefly played with using tags=“replace” in <system> with some success; however, found that using the “replace” tag in various locations in a large service package containing large amounts of configuration resulted in long commit times and application timeouts.

<config xmlns="">

  <devices xmlns="">




      <configuration xmlns="">


        <host-name refcounter="1" >router</host-name>

        <domain-name refcounter="1" ></domain-name>








3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Ron

Comments/replies to yours...

Assuming the XML you show is presumably the output of "show devices device <nsodevname> config junos:configuration system | display service-meta-data


COMMENT: you write:

"Referring to the Juniper snippet below; this service package pushes both

a host-name & domain-name and assigns the associated refcounters."

[gs] "...assigns... the refcount" -- this is _automatic_ as a consequence of running the service...

        not _you_ assigning them in the service...

"Because there are no associated refcounters or backpointers for <system>"

[gs] which there cannot be - in Juniper you cannot every get rid of "system" --- it's part of the OS...

"I found that configuration can be added (either out-of-band or using the NSO client) over time; under “system”,

[gs] sure "out-of-band" changes can happen...

"and a re-deploy and/or re-deploy reconcile { discard-non-service-config } will not trigger the configuration

for deletion and thus making the element non-compliant."

[gs] I'm not understanding this...

** in general, a _device_ can be in-sync with CDB or not; this can be tested, and corrected


** in general, if a config was written by a service, the _service_ can be in-sync or not; this can be tested, and corrected



I made a quite "template-only" service model (called "tempFoo")


  list tempFoo {

    key name;

    uses ncs:service-data;

    ncs:servicepoint "tempFoo";

    leaf name {

      type string;


    leaf-list device {

      type leafref {

        path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name";



    leaf hname {

      type string;


    leaf dname {

      type string;




<config-template xmlns=""


  <devices xmlns="">




        <!--  juniper stuff -->

        <configuration xmlns="">






        <!--  juniper stuff -->








*** on device:

j0# show running-config configuration system

configuration system time-zone UTC



*** on NSO:

admin@ncs% show devices device j0 config junos:configuration system | display service-meta-data

time-zone UTC;


[ok][2018-03-19 09:08:10]






*** on NSO:

admin@ncs% set tempFoo tix01 device j0 hname router dname

[ok][2018-03-19 09:10:28]


admin@ncs% commit

Commit complete.

[ok][2018-03-19 09:10:30]


admin@ncs% show devices device j0 config junos:configuration system | display service-meta-data

/* Refcount: 1 */

host-name   router;

/* Refcount: 1 */


time-zone   UTC;


[ok][2018-03-19 09:10:33]


admin@ncs% show tempFoo

tempFoo tix01 {

    device [ j0 ];

    hname  router;



[ok][2018-03-19 09:10:42]



*** on device:


System message at 2018-03-19 09:10:30...

Commit performed by admin via ssh using netconf.

j0# show running-config configuration system

configuration system host-name router

configuration system domain-name

configuration system time-zone UTC






now we can try a few things...

a) make an out-of-band change to device...

j0# config

Entering configuration mode terminal

j0(config)# configuration system host-name newfooname

j0(config)# commit

Commit complete.

j0(config)# exit

j0# show running-config configuration system

configuration system host-name newfooname

configuration system domain-name

configuration system time-zone UTC



** now what?

let's look at NSO...

First -- device "chec-sync"

admin@ncs% request devices device j0 check-sync

result out-of-sync

info got: 1521-475923-340415 expected: 1521-475830-386426

[ok][2018-03-19 09:13:09]


admin@ncs% *** ALARM out-of-sync: got: 1521-475923-340415 expected: 1521-475830-386426


Ok - it's "out-of-sync" ---  this means certain _other things_ NEED to be done...

Second - because "out-of-sync" you should "compare-config":

** if it was "in-sync" there would be _no_ difference in "compare-config" since it's

    simply "device" config comparison between what's in CDB and _on the device_

admin@ncs% request devices device j0 compare-config


devices {

     device j0 {

         config {

             junos:configuration {

                 system {

-                    host-name router;

+                    host-name newfooname;






[ok][2018-03-19 09:15:54]



OK - that looks good

- here you have choices: "sync-to" or "sync-from" -- or do nothing for for now

Third - but what about the service?

** recall, 'service' is stored separately in CDB...

admin@ncs% show tempFoo

tempFoo tix01 {

    device [ j0 ];

    hname  router;



[ok][2018-03-19 09:19:08]



tempFoo tix01 wants "hname" == router  ---- but it's newfooname on the device..

(and no sync-from or sync-to yet...)

admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 ?

Possible completions:

  check-sync         - Check if device config is according to the service

  commit-queue       -

  deep-check-sync    - Check if device config is according to the service

  get-modifications  - Get the data this service created

  log                -

  re-deploy          - Run/Dry-run the service logic again

  reactive-re-deploy - Reactive redeploy of service logic

  touch              - Touch a service

  un-deploy          - Undo the effects of this service


admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 check-sync

in-sync true

[ok][2018-03-19 09:22:45]


admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 deep-check-sync

sync-result {

    local-node {

        in-sync false



[ok][2018-03-19 09:22:53]




** service "check-sync" is "in-sync true" because this asks only if the service matches CDB,

    but recall the device is out-of-sync with CDB.

** service "deep-check-sync" is "in-sync false" because this asks if the service matches

    all the way to the device. since the _service_ is actually the affected portion of the config

    on the device, the _service_ is also out of sync...




So now what can get the service "host-name" back on the device...

** you can:


    a) do a "sync-to"  and this will put CDB device config back on the device...

        -- in this case no further actions would be required...

           (but some analysis was required to know this...)

    b) do a "sync-from" and this will put existing device config into CDB...

        -- but then you need to "re-deploy" the service...

let's try the second one..

on NSO...

** for the device...

admin@ncs% request devices device j0 sync-from

result true

[ok][2018-03-19 09:31:11]


admin@ncs% request devices device j0 check-sync

result in-sync

[ok][2018-03-19 09:31:18]


admin@ncs% request devices device j0 compare-config

[ok][2018-03-19 09:31:22]



This all makes sense - "sync-from" but CDB and device "in-sync", so then "compare-config" has no delta

** but then for the service...

admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 check-sync

in-sync false

[ok][2018-03-19 09:32:31]


admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 deep-check-sync

sync-result {

    local-node {

        in-sync false



[ok][2018-03-19 09:32:42]



This makes sense too - BOTH are out-of-sync (service) because CDB and the device both have

a config that does not match "the service"...


admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 re-deploy dry-run

cli {

    local-node {

        data  devices {

                   device j0 {

                       config {

                           junos:configuration {

                               system {

              -                    host-name newfooname;

              +                    host-name router;








[ok][2018-03-19 09:33:14]


admin@ncs% request tempFoo tix01 re-deploy

[ok][2018-03-19 09:33:19]



System message at 2018-03-19 09:33:19...

Commit performed by admin via console using cli.


*** on device:


System message at 2018-03-19 09:33:19...

Commit performed by admin via ssh using netconf.

j0# show running-config configuration system

configuration system host-name router

configuration system domain-name

configuration system time-zone UTC



All good now!


Note: NSO has a "compliance report" function

available checks:

-- look at devices current and/or historic device sync status

-- looks at one or a number of stored device templates  against devices/device-groups

-- looks at deployed services sync status against related devices

Couple of other points:

- regarding tags="replace" -- this likely makes no sense for the elements shown. there can only by _one_ host-name anyway..

so not sure tags="replace" is useful here (or on domain-name)

- "compliance" (likely) requires looking at "device" and "service" comparisons (a service _could_ stretch across many devices)

- golden configs for a device may not best be handled in a "Service" model

    configs on "devices" general happen in three parts:

     <1> lines of configuration that are:

          ** included “one time” per device,

          ** “common” across all devices (or class of devices, - e.g. P, PE, RR) and immutable (no variables)   

     <2> lines of configuration that are:

          ** “one time” per device,

          ** but that have variable/unique parts per device (e.g., loopback IPs etc.)

     <3> lines of configuration that are:

          ** repeated “many times” per device, — e.g. service instances (L3 VPN's)

          ** have variable/unique parts per "repetition" -- e.g., per L3 VPN instance

items in <1> best handled in device-templates (no variables required) -- these are likely never deleted or modified

items in <2> best handled in device-templates w/ variables, or actions or other (no state) - also likely limited delete/modify

items in <3> best handled in service models (due to likely high modification/delete requirements)

hope this helps


Hi Gregg,

Thanks for the examples.  So, what I'm gathering is that you can't easily identify and remove all rogue configuration.



Hi Ron

I probably didn't fully address what you have in mind.

your model should be capable of adding configs and ID'ing if something is incorrect (as compared to the template)

using a "service" to do this _may not be the best choice_ (in this case)...

configuring routers w/ golden config (typically not done via "service" model)

* other choices for applying golden configs w/o a service model (i can show examples) -- e.g. device-templates, or action applying template (a nice option, even allows dry-runs)

The use of tags is appropriate for this as well. You said you looked at tags="replace" in <system> and other places, and that it worked.  I showed adding config "out-of-band" and it _absolutely_ was picked up by NSO as not belonging (see "compare-config" example)...  

The first results i showed you came from a simple "template-only" service model - but i also ran it as an "action" (which seems preferable for GoldenConfig applications) - but aside from how they are called, the results are the same.

configs not addressed by the template (assuming tags are applied) are flagged.

I also just amended my model to add

          <system tags="replace">

to the juniper XML template ...  re-ran the model i showed you and it picked up _everything_ that was never included in the initial goldenconfig XML... (note all the "-" which ID parts of the config i did not add via template)

--[begin dry-run cli output]------------

  Device: j0 devices {

     device j0 {

         config {

             junos:configuration {

                 system {

-                    host-name NewCoolRouter;

+                    host-name OMGcouldbe;

-                    time-zone UTC;

-                    name-server;

-                    name-server;

-                    name-server;

                     login {

-                        message "This is j0";


-                    services {

-                        ssh {

-                            root-login deny;

-                            protocol-version [ v2 ];

-                        }

-                        netconf {

-                            ssh {

-                            }

-                        }

-                    }

                     ntp {

-                        peer;

-                        server;

-                        server;







--[end dry-run output]--------------

